Saturday 11 February 2023

Ad Mech versus Tyranids - a Kill Team rematch

So I trundled down to Tiger-King’s for a game of Kill Team. I took 3 possible teams with me - Eldar, Space Marines or Ad Mech. Due to a slight lack of preparation (and snacks apparently) I decided to use the Ad Mech team which had comprehensively beaten Steedo’s Orcs not so long ago.

My team looking over the away pitch ….

We rolled and were playing the scenario Awaken the Data Spirits.

The starting positions with opposite diagonal corners - which actually made things very funnelled around the centre of the board.  

I won the initiative in the first turning point - which allowed me to get the first objective marker and get a shot at one of the big Nids, which scored a couple of mortal wounds … the plasma gunner got some good damage on another Nid … but unfortunately Tiger-King killed my Arc gunner with a blast shot which also wounded my Transuranic Arquebus gunner.  He was also keeping his homgeants out of range and sight. However the turn end 4-2 on victory points for the Ad Mech, so I thought I was doing better than in the last fight against the Nids. I was lining up by Sicarians to take on the Hormagaunts.   

However a the second turn i lost the initiative which then allowed Tiger-King to get first shot in which killed my leader and plasma guy - which was probably the key turning point in the game, as they hadn’t activated yet and the plasma gunner was a big hitter in the last game. It was also the point that I knocked over a building (might have been subconsciously trying to end the game … I could see the writing on the wall). The Sicarians were mobbed one by one by the annoying little Hormagaunts and were slowly wiped out - the initiative and charging causing no end of issues - not getting enough hits to kill off the little gits. They also killed me off an objective marker. On the plus side I did manage to kill off two of the big shooty Nid warriors. But the score had changed to 6 - 4 to the Nids. 

The third turning point started with all my warriors injured and things were not looking good - below 1 Sicarian trying to hold off 4 Hormagaunts and 2 Skitari (the transuranic arquebus was still hiding on the top of the building) looking nervously at the warrior and Hormagaunts heading their way. I did win the initiative which was a sort of bonus. 

I activated a shooter first in the vain hope that I could kill off the warrior - but it was not to be. Tiger-king chewed up the last of the Sicarians, and shot the comms guy. 
After eating up rest of the team the last vanguard prepares to die. 

The situation at the end of the 3rd turn, start of the 4th - score now 10 - 4 to the Nids and I just have the Arquebus Skitari left … with this lot looking up. 
So the game was called - another win for Tiger-King’s Tyranids and back to the drawing board for the Ad  Mech in how to deal with to hit wounds monsters. 
A good game, but I still haven’t worked out how to deal with the high wounds Tyranids, especially when most of the heavy guns are taken out of action with either only one shot or no shots taken - with the Vanguard it is like trying to kill them with a thousand cuts. 
I did try a couple of extra rules - the data tether to give an extra action point and leader allowing effectively a group activation. 
The Hormagaunts had group activation of 2 which meant they could mob the sicarians one at time and I wasn’t getting the hits I needed to kill them. 

Next time.


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