Saturday 30 January 2021

Hit the target! Now more work to do.

 So I managed to complete my target of finishing off the last of the Cossacks. 

So painted with a blue/yellow scheme if I want to use them as light cavalry for Maurice imagi-nations campaigns using the GNW forces as a base.

Of course now I have this lot to base up as well before they can visit a table of battle. Whenever I get around to organising one of those ... with a new kitchen going in soon, me thinks this might be later.  


Thursday 28 January 2021

Target for the end of January

So I have managed to paint another unit of Russian dragoons - the last one huzzar!

Which means my target is to finish the last of the Cossacks, before the month is out. These Cossacks might be used as auxiliaries for the Swedes as historically a number did, partially leading Charles XII more south and the disaster at Poltava. 

Why all this re-interest in 18th Century Russian, well initially it was to get the off the painting table (because I haven’t undercoated anything due to it being too cold to use the sprays outside) and then because I have been watching Catherine the Great (with Helen Mirren) and “The Great” (a not very historical take on Catherine’s early life in Russia). I have to say I enjoyed the Helen Mirren series - classic period drama stuff, but I am also enjoying the “The Great” - although some of the changes they have made do grate a bit with my inner pedantry. 

I am also quite enjoying painting the 15mm figures again (which is just as well as I have some WWII to start in that scale). 


Sunday 17 January 2021

A little more progress in the Age of Reason

Well I’ve been into work as the internet is so poor at home - no furlough for me ... sometimes think it would be nice. Work is actually quite intense online, but I have managed to complete another unit of Dragoons for my Russian GNW army. 

I have done an ok paint job for the Tschernigovski regiment. I now have one more unit of dragoons to go and the historical Russians are completed (after 30 or so years of being on or off the painting table). 

On other matters I am very tempted by a Kickstarter for Dwarf cavalry (by the same people who did the Hobgoblins I haven’t painted yet) ...  which then lead me to consider the old Grenadier minis Dwarfs mounted on bears. I will try and hold off as I thought I’d finish off the Dwarf forces. 

Stay safe  


Monday 11 January 2021

Happy New Year and something painted

Well it’s been a little busy around here recently, what with yet another COVID  lockdown in the UK ..... unfortunately I am still having to go to work so nothing has really changed for me, in fact my work load has increased so I haven’t had much time to paint.

But I have painted a small unit of Cossacks and a Hetman for the Russian Great Northern War army - not the best I’ve ever done, but done nevertheless. A another group of Cossacks to go and a couple of dragoon units next. 
Still waiting for it to warm up a bit for some spray paint undercoating outside. 
