Saturday 31 December 2016

Christmas stuff and plans for the New Year

Well here is the Christmas booty!

A couple of packs of Frostgrave figures - summoner and cultist Knight and Templar, these last 2 match up with a couple of old chaos warriors so will be a part of a 6 figure unit for Dragon Rampant/KoW or what ever I want to use them for - even frostgrave!
I am finding that Wargames, Soldiers and Strategy seems to be a better read for me than the other two magazines on the market - enjoyed the articles and don't even play ECW - might adapt a few to 18th century. 
The cold one Knights were a bit out of the blue, but a nice surprise. The currently thinking is to use 3 to convert to Drakon riders for the KoW elves - just need to source some suitable wings. One will go a a young man who likes dinosaurs and fantasy movies! Not sure what I will do with the last one!

Then there is Rogue Stars - I am quite excited about these - however they seem to have split the gaming community a bit. 

I am hoping than they will be a nice system part minis-game part-RPG. The rules do seem a little fiddly on the 'build' side and a decent QRS is needed. But I think that with 3-6 minis need for a squad/gang these could be a lot of fun. Steedo can dust off his old Star Wars minis to create a team, Sylon and Snake-eyes can borrow some minis and DK is bound to have something to use!
Currently I have the following plans in my fevered little mind using stuff from Starship Troopers - a Star Cops/militia squad of 5/6 using the Light Armour mobile infantry (they used SST uniforms in Firefly to save money). Using the power armoured plastics a black-ops team of 3/4. Then I think the arachnids can be a squad of nasties - probably npcs. 
Also I have a couple of mandalorians from a Star Wars game who could be the start of a nice little group of bounty hunters - I need another figure to complete the squad - a robot, IG-88 style?

Plans for 2017 - I pledge not to buy any figures or stuff until the start of February (going to a games show 😀). 
Finish stuff I have started - so SAGA Saxons first up - only 12 to go...... 
Sort out the KoW Hobgoblin/Orc forces. 
Build some more Sci-if buildings for SST/Rogue Stars. 
Get shot of stuff I don't use ..... 

Happy New Year. 


Thursday 22 December 2016

Merry Christmas - it has been busy here!

This should have been posted before Christmas ..... But I managed not to up load!
I might try another post either today or tomorrow.

First post in December and probably the last due to the numerous commitments over the coming days! I don't know why but I find Christmas a manic time of year - trying and failing to see everyone, too much food, beer (can you have too much beer?) .....

Well I'm not going to see Rogue One until the New Year, but what I have read sounds promising (I have read some of the spoilers as I was going to have to wait await to see it). 

I have managed to squeeze in a few games with DK, Snake-eyes and Steedo (who was on a bit of a winning streak). Played Nothing Personal for the first time - nicely themed and quite quick to play. Basically your are trying to get the best reputation (had I known this at the start it wouldn't have stopped Steedo winning by some margin) in the mafia by having the most influence over various gang members  - but too much influence gets then arrested! Also played Concordia for the second time - much better game this time (played faster and smoother) and I had a plan .... It wasn't a bad plan either but a poor choice on my Senator card allowed Steedo the win by 5 points! There is a lot of depth in the game which we have yet to explore. 

Finished a few things on the painting table but I haven't finished basing and varnishing some.
First up some frostgrave treasure tokens/objective markers.
The werewolf head has been stuck on a 25mm base and then green stuff to try and match the others - need a coat of varnish. Also remembered and found the old metal treasure token just after finishing these. 
A couple of big boys - a GW Chaos priest thing (probably will be used as a reduced model unit in Dragon Rampant) and a mantic Ogre hero. 

The some more evil Vikings - I now have a unit of 12 for either Dragon Rampant or KoW. The bases need finishing off. I have assembled some of the Frostgrave barbarians as a reduce model unit - so Dragon Rampant game should be on the cards soon. 

Also did these for army standard and 'the Captain' for the kingdoms of men KoW army!
Not to happy with the standard to be honest - but can't work out how to improve it.
Currently working on trying to finish off a few hobgoblin archers KoW and 12 Saxons for SAGA. 

Hopefully Santa will bring Rogue Stars and a few other bits. 

Happy Christmas and if I don't get anything else done happy new year too!


Sunday 27 November 2016

Kings of War - DK's first game.

Well DK managed to come over for a game of Kings of War. 
We played Elves versus Hobgoblins (Orcs) in a 1750 point game. The scenario chosen was Kill and Pillage (but as it turned out this was irrelevant). 
A roughly symmetrical battlefield was set out so no advantage was given to either side. DK had had a look at the free set of rules available on the mantic website, so had identified that getting the first charge in and flanks are important. 

Initial deployment. Hobgoblins to move first. 

After suffering withering archery the Hobgoblins advance. The lack of ranged weapons mean that the Hobgoblins need to get into melee fast. 

The Wyvern faces off against the Dragon and Knights - both of us trying to avoid allowing the other to get the first charge in!

 The Hobgoblins have at the Elves centre - but they have taken some damage!
We managed to fight over the only bit of bad going in the centre of the field. 

The wolf-riders (Gore riders in KoW) and the giant push at the Elven left flank. 

Due to some poor dice from DK who should have routed the Elf Guard with a combined attack by a regiment of Hobgoblins and the Wyvern in the flank - which would have allowed  the Wyvern to turn to face the Dragon - unfortunately the Wyvern was caught in the flank and taken out of the game!

Things are looking bad for the Hobgoblins - a couple of units gone and the Wyvern .....

The Knights clear out the Hobgoblins on the hill and then catch the Hobgoblin horde in the flank while the Dragon takes them from behind! 44 Points of damage .... Only snake-eyes can help them now - but he didn't come out to play!

The remainly Hobgoblin units (a giant, wizard and hero) ready for the end game. 

After the Dragon destroys the Giant and the Knights ride down the wizard - the last action Hobgoblin hero takes on the Elf horde (already weaken by the Hobgoblin horde and the fireballs from the wizard) - and routs them!

Only to become Dragon food!

A crushing win for the Elves - total wipeout! There first win against the Hobgoblins. 

Overall another good game of KoW - however I'm not sure that DK really enjoyed it and got a good feel for the rules.  In retrospect I should have done a few things differently. I don't think I should have had flying monsters in the game as they can be game changers - especially against a newbie. I think 1200 points would have been a better start game with regiments, troops, heroes and the odd monster to get a feel for the rules.
I would like to set up a mini campaign with smaller armies for the group to play. But the I want to do that with Frostgrave and Maurice.......

Also managed to get in a game of Carcassone against DK and Steedo - won that too 👍
So a good evening for me!


Saturday 12 November 2016

A few more painted!

Some Saxon thegns painted - more for SAGA and combined with the other unit of warriors a 12 men Regiment for Kings of War. 


Wednesday 9 November 2016

Goodies arrived!

Well my Frostgrave "nickstarter" arrived.
So I now have the latest scenario book, a rather nice wizard screen, 3 new objective markers, a werewolf, a wizard and an apprentice .... And 20 plastic barbarians.
All very nice - I probably won't keep all of them. It would have been nice to have the barbarian sprues when I was making the Vikings and evil Vikings as they would have given more options. 
I have also picked up some Fireforge foot sergeants and plan to get some Conquest archers for both a Frostgrave and SAGA warband.


Sunday 30 October 2016

Work in progress ......

Well been doing some reviewing of stuff and thinking about the order of painting ....
Currently working on Saxons for my SAGA warband and Lion Rampant. Thegns with axes and the Warlord and Standard.
Then I have extra command figures for the Kings of War Kingdoms of Men army - mounted standard and the Captain (and a Sargent to add the the 3 I already have). Then I have the Slaughter Priest and an Ogre Hero.
All of the above have had a base coat then a wash - sepia and or black over the armour. Then hopefully a couple of hours and a unit will be complete. There are 2 more units of Saxons to do (4 thegns and 8 warriors with spears).

The plan is to finish off the Hobgoblin archers and Hobhounds next, then either some Starship Troopers stuff or some men of Gondor!
So this a plan - let's see if I can keep to it when the frostgrave stuff turns up. 


Thursday 27 October 2016

Saxons - first warriors done ...

Well I have painted 8 Saxon warriors with swords and axes for SAGA, Dragon Rampant and Kings of War. 
Not the best paint job - but a good gaming standard. Went for the green and white as had already used red on the Vikings so needed a contrasting scheme. The shields work with the Devon flag (not Plymouth Argyle!) - will be putting some red and black in some of the other shields.
Varnish and basing to go!


Tuesday 25 October 2016

Evil Vikings

Well I have painted something and managed a quick blog post.
Apart from some varnish I have 12 evil Viking types now - Gripping Beast Vikings and Saxons with GW Chaos Maurader shields and heads (and an old Goblin standard). 
Not totally sure what to use them for ..... Kings of War, Dragon Rampant etc. 
But I have had fun doing them. Might add to the little gang with some of the Frostgrave barbarians. 
Started on some Saxon warriors for SAGA. 
Lots to do on the to do list .... Including sorting out units for various systems and selling on the rest!
So much to do and not enough time!


Sunday 9 October 2016

A late Kings of War report......

My older brother travelled over from the continent to play a game of Kings of War game (and go on a 23 mile hike on the moor but enough of rambling!). 
We played an unpointed game due mainly to a heavy beer night which left everyone a little sluggish. 
My brother took the force of darkness - Ogres and Hobgoblins, while Steedo took the forces of good - Men and Elves. 
Initial deployment. 
First move involved a lot of shooting by the forces of good - the Ogres and Hobgoblins charge across the battlefield. Their giant killed off by the bolt shooters on the beasts of war. 
The Wyvern which had taken hits from the bolt shooters on the beasts of war went for the dragon. 
The dragon counter-attacked. The elf knights get isolated again ....and destroyed by a hobgoblin horde  over at the far end. 
With the previous damage the dragon makes short work of the Wyvern, then attacks the 2nd horde of hobgoblins in the flank!
The Ogres are making head way against the humans but the beasts of war are a tougher nut to crack. 
The dragon wavers the horde which withdraws but this allows the hobgoblin wizards to fireball the dragon .... Making it waver!
The human knights held up a unit of gore riders for about 4 turns before being overwhelmed. 
The hobgoblin wizards fireballed and destroyed the dragon while the beasts of war destroyed the ogre hordes.  Unfortunately the elf Mage and archers are overrun by hobgoblins. 
Below the end of game - victory to the forces of darkness! The survivors ....
A human wizard, general and 2 beasts of war. The forces of darkness,a hero, 2 wizards, a horde, a regiment and 2 regiments of gore riders .... The ogres had a warlord left.  

Another entertaining game of Kings of War - during the first few turns I thought I would need to find some more forces for the hobgoblins and ogres as they seemed to be being getting a beating. The game was going to and fro ... Everyone seemed to enjoy the game. I think the forces were a little unbalanced but I haven't had a chance to point it out and now probably won't. 
Thanks to Steedo and my Brother for being commanders. 

On Friday Steedo, DK and I managed to play Alien Frontiers (a win to DK), Carcassone (win to Steedo) and Welcome to the Dungeon (win to me!). 

Hope to get some painting done soon - have ordered the Men Who Would Be Kings ... A colonial variant of Lion Rampant and Frostgrave Forgotten Pacts .... So should be fun!


Sunday 25 September 2016

My have things grown since I have been away ....

Recently Games Workshop re hashed White Dwarf and gave a away a free figure, so I bought it!
Now apart from paint (and Lord of the Rings stuff of eBay) this is the first Citadel mini I have bought in years. Now I am fully aware that minis have been growing from 25mm to 28mm to "heroic" 28mm etc.
I am also aware that Chaos dudes in Warhammer worlds and now the Age of Sigmar were bigger than the usual rank and file .....

But how they have grown .......

Now I actually quite like the slaughterpriest but as a human is is the size of an ogre. All of my humans are about waist height. I am now pondering if I put him on the 40 base or the 25mm I planned as he is a "human". The fit of the parts is really impressive and a long way from the psychostrene dwarfs which started the move to plastic. The only thing was that the pieces only seemed to go together one way so conversions would be more difficult to do. 

The copy of White Dwarf is quite a reasonable read and indicate that Games Workshop appear to be moving in the direction of smaller self contained games .... Which are introductions to 40K and Age of Sigmar and allowing the use of the miniatures from the smaller games in the main ones .... I would say that they have copied Mantic here with the mini/boardgame hybrids such as Dungeon Saga and Deadzone. 


Sunday 11 September 2016

Third and final competition games

This time I was up against the Toymaster and his Dwarfs!
I made a couple of poor tactical decisions from the start - I put the the dragon out on a limb to try and get around the flank and behind the dwarves, but just succeeded in taking it out of the game for 2 turns. The elven archers were initially out of range. I also let the Toymaster have the first turn .......
The first two moves - The Toymaster managed to waver two units on the first turn I gave him!
I also had to move the archers forward to get in range which weaken the attack - however the archers did rout a regiment of shieldbreakers .... Things might be ok. But this left the Brock riders undamaged. 
The elf Knights charged a regiment of Brock riders and only just failed to rout them but this left them exposed .....
Over in the centre the elf spears and archers managed to waver the dwarfs in front of them - but the dwarfs headstrong rule meant that the dwarfs could ignore the waver rule and so they were flanked an routed!
The elf guard had done significant damage to the remaining Brock riders but again failed to rout them so they were ridden over!
The final turn - the dragon flame attacked and routed the last regiment of shieldbreakers and a Mage fireballed the last Brock riders .....
The final scores were the elves had killed 1000 points of dwarfs and the dwarfs had killed 1335 of elves! So a good win for the dwarfs - in fact apart from a bolt thrower the elves only had the dragon and characters left!
The elves were doing damage but I wasn't rolling high enough to forces the routs! The headstrong rule was a pain as two  dwarf units were able to charge the elf spear .... I might invest in some new dice as my blues don't seem to be working nor do the bolt throwers for that matter!
At the end I finished the competition with 2 draws and a loss - 5 points and in bottom place! But I enjoyed the experience and had 3 interesting and challenging games against armies I had faced before! 


Friday 2 September 2016

Second competition game .........

On Thursday I played my second game in the local Kings of War tournament. 
The time I was up against the Ratkin hordes lead by Pete - an army and opponent I haven't faced before. 
The battlefield picked out of the hat was a road running down the long diagonal with 2 woods at one end and one at the other. 

I decided to go for a flank attack down the right, with all the cavalry and the dragon deployed there. The rest of the army was deployed as an anvil on the right/centre. 
Pete had the first move started with an advance!
This meant that the elves did a lot of shooting - which was reasonably effective in weakening the rat-ogres and some giant mutant thing!
Over on the right the elves were attacked with flame and arrows - Poor placement by me left these units exposed for a counter attack!
The combined fire from the bolt shooters and archers took out the rat-ogres and mutant thing....Hurrah!
The ratkins artillery was doing annoying amounts of damage to the elven units as well.
The elves counter attack the Ratkin hordes in the centre - spear elves charge - archers shoot!
Mean while over on the right a gamble to take out the demon spawn and horde of rats partly came off ...... The horde was destroyed but the demon spawn was tougher than I had expected .....the dragon and the Knights were eventually destroyed! The flank attack had failed!
However the anvil had been successful - all of the Ratkin units had been destroyed apart for the cannon thing and a flame thrower team!
The image below is how the game ended. The top of the picture shows the situation in the centre .... One Ratkin wizard facing elf guard, archers, bolt throwers (out of picture are a flame thrower team and a warmachine). The bottom shows the right flank with one troop of light cavalry (the elf guard are in the distance) the Ratkin demon spawn (out of picture is the wheel of doom!). 

The result was a 65 point advantage to the elves - so another draw! (A 200 point advantage is needed for a win). So another close game. As usual the dice didn't always go my way - the elf guard got held up for 2 or 3 turns by a single character, Pete rolling double 6 meant he got a waver on a unit so they couldn't counter-attack, so they were destroyed on Pete's next turn. The unsupported attack by the dragon on the demon spawn was an error as I didn't know how tough he was. I should have used the dragon to attack the artillery and get in behind the Rats over in the centre .....
So I stuck to the plan which almost won the day, even though the sweeping flank attack failed!

Next up is the Toymaster and his Dwarfs ..... But I am undefeated* in the competition so who knows!


*i have won a game yet either!

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Another Beast of War, Kings of War

Well I have painted up the second nelly (elephant) for my Kings of War Kingdoms of Men forces. 
Here are the two elephants together! Take that the forces of evil!

The shading is darker and better on the first nelly... Nevermind, painted and based ready for battle!
Also painted up (and converted) human crew for war-machines. A bit more firepower!

Pretty pleased with this lot - hope to get them to a battlefield soon. But the elves have another competition game first.


Saturday 13 August 2016

Painted and a short report

Well I have painted some Frostgrave objective marks and an old bound coffin, all of which are useful in lots of games!

Last night Snake-eyes, Steedo, DK (although we are thinking of changing alias to the Shambler) and myself got together for an end of the world zombie apocalypse RPG - although it is probably more of a scenario playing game as we are ourselves rather than a made up character. There was an interesting way of creating your stats - you have 16 points to spend across 6 traits (in 3 groups of 2) and then you vote on if you think people had over or under rated themselves. You also had to come up with 3 strengths and weaknesses. This caused a good deal of thought and and merriment as we did this. Then we got started and things slowed as we got to grips with what we would have and how our loved ones had got to "safety". Anyway Snake-eyes had to leave early (he has a trial promotion and has to be up early 😜). But we have a plan for what we do next ..... Go wild in the country, where the snakes in the grass are absolutely free .....

We then played a quick game of Alien Encounters (where DK lied about game length, but then he can't tell the time 😜). Steedo played a blinder managing 13 points at the end compared to DK's and mine 2nd placed (or joint losers/last) points total of 4 each ..... It is an interesting game and l will get better at it!


Wednesday 10 August 2016

Well I haven't used them in years .....

I've had this unit painted for ages, but I have decided to sell them on evilbay... Sorry eBay.

Nice figures - but they don't fill a role in the army list for Warhammer or Kings of War - I could have changed the swords for spears .... But that is more work and stops me getting something new and shiney..... I would like some other units for my elves to be honest (such as Drakon riders .... But what a particular model for those or Forest shamblers) so they probably wouldn't get a look in!


Saturday 6 August 2016

Competition - I was robbed!

I entered the village hall flower show cookery competition!
5 chocolate chip cookies and a weetabix loaf. Look pretty good in the picture don't they?
Taste good too!

Weren't even placed ..... Was robbed! Was it rigged? 
I'll be back next year!


Friday 5 August 2016

A damn close run thing! 1st competition report.

I took my Elves to the club first the 1st round match against Ian's Orcs. 
Both armies were 2000pts - my Elves had a Dragon, regiments of Guard,Stormwind Cavalry, Archers (2 of these), a horde of spears, 2 mages, 2 bolt-throwers and an Army standard plus a number of magical artifacts. 
Ian's Orcs consisted of 2 each of the following hordes of ax, regiments of gore riders, Godspeakers (with magical artifacts), Giants (yuk!) and a regiment of great ax and a Krugder. 
For the competition we picked a random terrian card - I liked this but not the card I picked! To much blocking stuff for my archery! Ian didn't have any shooty stuff!

The initial line up below - with the heavy cavalry facing each other!

The Orcs advance across the front - allowing a devastating charge by the Elves!

The Orcs advance some more .....
After losing one regiment of Gore Riders the Orcs get their revenge on the Elven Knights!
With the demise of the Knights - an arrow and flame attack takes out the last Gore Riders - almost leaving the flank open!

The Giants stomp up and down on the Archers!

The Elven Spears and Guard take on and destroy an Orc Horde! This was a vital combat as if the Orcs had held then the Spears would have had a Horde of Trolls in on their flank! 

But the win meant that they could turn to face!

The Trolls waver preventing the Orc Horde getting in the fight ....
The Giants finish off the Archers and a Bolt Shooter and then have a go at the army standard bearer .... Who holds on! The Spears kill off the Troll Horde!

On the other flank the Elves finished off the Troll regiment and are about to kill the Orc great ax regiment .... It was looking rosey apart from the shortage of time!

The final positions - the Giants and the Horde had finished of the last Elven units on the right flank - a standard bearer, a Mage and a bolt shooter hanging in there. The cavalry in the form of a dragon, Mage, Archers and some cavalry just couldn't  get there in time!

A really close battle 1040 pts to the Orcs and 1035 pts to the Elves - a draw in game terms 0.25% difference! A victory requires 10% difference by starting value (200pts for this game). 

I learnt a lot from this game - the light cavalry is very useful for getting around the flanks. The turning point for me was when one of my troops of light cavalry was routed with only 2 hits after getting around the flank! Not only was it worth 145pts to Ian, it would have probably killed a Godspeaker (100pts to me!). The heal spell can be effective - although my Mages weren't rolling well! In my last game the bolt-shooters were brilliant - this game against the Giants they were meh .... I really needed them not to be meh ....
The terrain made the game very challenging possibly better for the Orcs as their tactic was to get into melee ASAP. 

The same Elven army goes out again for the next battle in the competition. 

An enjoyable evenings distraction! Thanks for the game Ian. 
