Thursday 22 December 2016

Merry Christmas - it has been busy here!

This should have been posted before Christmas ..... But I managed not to up load!
I might try another post either today or tomorrow.

First post in December and probably the last due to the numerous commitments over the coming days! I don't know why but I find Christmas a manic time of year - trying and failing to see everyone, too much food, beer (can you have too much beer?) .....

Well I'm not going to see Rogue One until the New Year, but what I have read sounds promising (I have read some of the spoilers as I was going to have to wait await to see it). 

I have managed to squeeze in a few games with DK, Snake-eyes and Steedo (who was on a bit of a winning streak). Played Nothing Personal for the first time - nicely themed and quite quick to play. Basically your are trying to get the best reputation (had I known this at the start it wouldn't have stopped Steedo winning by some margin) in the mafia by having the most influence over various gang members  - but too much influence gets then arrested! Also played Concordia for the second time - much better game this time (played faster and smoother) and I had a plan .... It wasn't a bad plan either but a poor choice on my Senator card allowed Steedo the win by 5 points! There is a lot of depth in the game which we have yet to explore. 

Finished a few things on the painting table but I haven't finished basing and varnishing some.
First up some frostgrave treasure tokens/objective markers.
The werewolf head has been stuck on a 25mm base and then green stuff to try and match the others - need a coat of varnish. Also remembered and found the old metal treasure token just after finishing these. 
A couple of big boys - a GW Chaos priest thing (probably will be used as a reduced model unit in Dragon Rampant) and a mantic Ogre hero. 

The some more evil Vikings - I now have a unit of 12 for either Dragon Rampant or KoW. The bases need finishing off. I have assembled some of the Frostgrave barbarians as a reduce model unit - so Dragon Rampant game should be on the cards soon. 

Also did these for army standard and 'the Captain' for the kingdoms of men KoW army!
Not to happy with the standard to be honest - but can't work out how to improve it.
Currently working on trying to finish off a few hobgoblin archers KoW and 12 Saxons for SAGA. 

Hopefully Santa will bring Rogue Stars and a few other bits. 

Happy Christmas and if I don't get anything else done happy new year too!


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