Monday 28 December 2020

Starting things for the New Year

Well I started prepping stuff for future painting. A couple of Hobgoblin heroes with their bases blended into the slate on the bases. 

A box  of necrons, assault intercessors, some wraiths and a few confrontation miniatures. I have also prepped up some 15mm stuff for the Age of Reason. I had planned to spray undercoat today but it was too cold outside (and will be for a few days or weeks). 

I have also managed to the base coat and wash some Russian Dragoons and Cossacks (one unit done so that they could be used as Swedish light cavalry if I managed to organised an imagi-nation campaign for Maurice). These have been hanging around for a year or two .....


Wednesday 23 December 2020

Dwarfs - Finished

 So I managed to hit one Christmas target and finish off the Dwarfs (this time no extras will be added - no matter how good the offer is on eBay). 


Some run of the mill Dwarf warriors with hand weapon and shields. Hopefully they might see a bit of action soon, if I can organise a solo

Saturday 5 December 2020

Even more stuff ...

 So the Meng Char 1B arrived a few weeks ago - didn’t post as was busy. I have managed to base and varnish all the figures I have painted of the last few months. And have started on the  last of the dwarfs (target to finish before Christmas). 

However I did manage to pick off eBay the latest WH40k rule book with all the background fluff - I am looking at trying out the Combat Patrol small action games. 

The production quality is very good and the it is a weighty tome. The price I paid was good, but the packaging was poor, so I have contacted the seller. So some not so light reading material. 

Hopefully I will post more when I have time ...


Saturday 14 November 2020

Some stuff has arrived

 So a little update on what mischief I have been up to since lockdown 2 started. 

I have finish some Saxon archers and started some Viking ones. 

I have picked up a Enginseer Tech Priest for the Machanicus (and some transfers). I also have winging its way from China a Meng World War Toons Char B to convert to a Mechanicus tank/transporter. 

Also my old school Hobgoblins Kickstarter from Satanic Panic arrived with enough extra Hobgoblins to add 2 characters, a unit of warriors, a unit of missile troops (or 2 troops in Kings of War), a unit of hobhounds and a couple rocket launchers. 

Got to get back on the painting train ... 
and not buy anything else....


Saturday 31 October 2020

Halloween update - more Skitarri!

 So I have had a busy October, with little time for painting. As for a Halloween horror story I have gone further down the Games Workshop rabbit hole of 40k. 

So to boost the Skitarri Kill Team I bought some and added a Transonic Arquebus. While I was at it I decided to add a few more numbers to my team ...

The Ranger with Arquebus!

Ranger Alpha and Arc gunner.

A couple more Vanguard 

So I have a 8 man Vanguard squad and a 7 man Ranger squad - enough for 2 separate Kill Teams.

Anyway I was looking around for a few more Sicarians to boost the Kill Teams, and I ended up with 3 more Ruststalkers including an Alpha - nice.

The auction also included a couple of Infiltrators - again with an Alpha. 

So now I have the basis of a Mechanicum Combat Patrol force - currently watching a set of rules, a Tech-Priest and a proxy tank!

So the Space Marines will have something to fight!!


Sunday 11 October 2020

A little progress on the Argonauts

 So last week I nearly finished off 2 Reivers and 2 Intercessors for the Argonauts chapter. 

Unfortunately I have misplaced the transfers for squad markings etc. so they are now in limbo as far as finishing. 

I have got some extra Skitari to bulk up the Mechanicus Kill Team. 

Plenty to paint so little time ....


Saturday 26 September 2020

So I did it! 40k Recruit Edition

 So I did it I bought the new Warhammer 40k recruit edition starter set. It was a bargain at  £25 quid including p&p.

So what to you get in the box? Well obviously a quicker and better selection of pictures can be found on the Games Workshop site. However I am impressed - a very glossy intro to the hobby, instruction, rule book. Dice - always need lots dice. Some rulers - same type of thing that they put in the Mortal Realms magazine. A game mat that is the right size for Kill Team  - so that is useful.

The sprues for 6 Space Marines and 11 Necons  Should be fun adding the Assault intercessors to my little Argonauts force - would be nice to get hold of a mini 40k rule book as I think that there is a small version of the game in there- called Combat Patrol. All I would need is someone to have an army to fight. 

So I have a Necron(/Cylon) Kill Team to paint now - going to try spray painting them and then highlighting, so might turn a bit pants as I haven’t tried this before. Also going to use red for the power colour rather than green. 

There are rumours that Kill Team might be revamped in the next year or two, so that it can include some of the new models which have come out. 

Thursday 17 September 2020

Deathwatch - Primaris

 Can’t believe that is nearly a month since my last post! Back to work after lockdown at a new employer, so it has been busy. Also been cycling into work - get the exercise done on the way to and from work. 

I have finally finished off the Deathwatch Primaris for Steedo. 

Intercessor Sergeant with bolt rifle and power sword. 
Intercessor with stalker bolt rifle. 
Reiver with pistol and combat knife. 

Not bad conversions - black is a pain to highlight. Now will start on the extra couple of intercessors and reivers for my Argonauts chapter - seriously considering getting the new recruit edition of 40k for the assault intercessors and the lieutenant. Then I’d have 4 squads of 5 Primaris - a small force. 
I was also thinking the Necrons would made a suitable force for Sylon. 
I have managed to get hold of some more Skitari rangers - so they will be getting a transonic arquebus added to their Kill Team. 


Wednesday 26 August 2020

WIP - Deathwatch Primaris

 So after the last game of Kill Team Steedo said he needed some Primaris marines to back up his Deathwatch. So we got some marines between us. 

Current work in progress of Steedo Primaris Deathwatch. 

So a Reiver with pistol and knife, an Interces sor Sergeant with Bolt rife and Power-sword and an Intercessor with Stalker Bolt rifle. 
Still some filling to do and then paint. 
I am also butchering some easy build Reivers and Intercessors for my Argonauts chapter. 


New game! Debunked!

 So the second of my kickstarters arrived (it was supposed to be around Christmas 2019).

The box is very nice. 

As are the cards. With useful educational information on them.

I sort of wish I had got some of the posters for this (still might do). 
Managed to get the better half to play an open hands game as well - the rules are clear and easy to follow (the god mode might be tough as you have to work out the fallacies to play rather than looking at the caruds). Playing time is fairly quick - which is a bonus. 
Looking forward to playing it properly - a little filler which I think that Snake-eyes will like as it will allow him to use that Philosophy degree!


Thursday 13 August 2020

Kill Team - Rematch!

 So the continuing preparation (learning the rules) for DK Uber buffed Gene-stealers/Tyranid Kill Team, we matched up my Primaris Argonauts team against Steedo’s Deathwatch again. We played the same scenario - Sweep and Clear. We both wanted to use command points more effectively.

Would it be yet another win for the Deathwatch and poor rolling from me ....

We played in a ruined environment this time and set up as below. Very similar set up for me with Intercessors holding a flank, planning to gun down the Deathwatch before they get into melee, and the Reivers trying to take the other flank. I think Steedo had a similar set up to last time, but made a decision to fight in a different way.

The first moves - an unsupported rush from a Deathwatch member - drew plenty of fire but no damage. In fact very little damage was done (if any) in the first turn. Just setting up for the next turn.

Turn 2 - A member of the Deathwatch fall to the Auxillery Grenade Launcher - nice bit of kit. The Reivers charge the lone Deathwatch - but in the face of 5 wounds Steedo saved the lot! So the melee would continue for turn 3. I was spending my CP on the Intercessor and Reiver cards, which was causing Steedo to spend some of his in rerolls.

Turn 3 - saw the Intercessor Sergeant charge into to support the Reivers - another hand full of dice to throw, this time they were successful in putting the Deathwatch down. The shooting phase wounded 2 of the Intercessors (but the 2 wounds the Primaris have meant no rolls on the injury table), unfortunately the Deathwatch suffered a flesh wound from the Stalker Bolt Rifle. This meant that Steedo had to roll to see if the team was broken - 9 or less and he rolled 10. The Deathwatch were broken and now would lose the game at the end of turn 4 (victory conditions for the scenario were game were victory to an unbroken team at the end of turn 4), unless Steedo could pull off some magic!

Turn 4 - saw Steedo roll 11 for initiative, but I rolled a 12 (the dice gods were with me). My move was to consolidate my position by charging the Deathwatch melee specialist with my leader and Reivers - all failed to reach the target! So I had to send in an Intercessor to block him. Unfortunately for Steedo his leader also failed get the required charge distance either. The shooting phase saw the Stalker Bolt Rifle put out of action another member of the Deathwatch. Then the melee - and the intercessors "piled in" and overwhelmed the Zealot! 

The final scores on the doors were 4 Deathwatch Out of Action and 3 wounds on the Primaris. This was a complete reverse of the previous game (and rather nice to splat the Deathwatch at last). The dice gods did seem to favour me this game .... the great cosmic balance restored.

A couple of things we need to look at - the "pile in" rule and the order of fighting in melee - I think that perhaps Steedo's marines should have got to fight back after being charged. Also I don't think we are getting enough Command Points (we only seem to generate 2 points a turn).

The 2 wounds on the Primaris did seem to give then an advantage in this game (and did to some degree in the last one). Steedo has decided that a Reiver and Intercessor would be good additions to his team - so I think we are going to getting some between us (on the Argonauts post I said i wouldn't mind a couple more Reivers and Intercessors). I soon be on my way to a mini army! I also want some for Sicarians and a couple of Skitarii for the Mechanicus Kill Team.


Saturday 8 August 2020

Kill Team - Home made cards

 So after the last game I’d Kill Team I thought that I should get cards for the Space Marines and Imperial Guard factions I have painted up. 

Being a tight wad I decided if I could find so online to use ... and I did here

Nice cards - but no backs so a little google-fu and I found a suitable image to put into a MS Word table, so I could make the backs.

I put a green border around the image for the Imperial Guard (to differentiate from the Space Marines) and I included the Universal tactics in both sets. The only thing lacking was I could get specialist cards - so they will be on a list. Hopefully this means that the factions can be used by someone else with little difficulty. 


Thursday 6 August 2020

Wizards and stuff for Kings of War

 So I managed to finish off a couple of wizard types for the Kings of War elf and dwarf armies (obviously they can be used for Oathmark as well). Both are Reaper Bones (the elf is the harder black bones and the dwarf is the original white stuff). 

They just need some varnish and the bases to be finished off - then into battle. 
I have also started jiggering about with the Vendal dwarfs I picked up awhile ago and factoring them into the army - nine to paint. 

I did complete a mass basing exercise a couple of days ago - some more peasants for SAGA or Kings of War, the earth elementals and some Orcs. With the Orcs I did start thinking... should I sell these? Space is still at a premium and I haven’t gamed much for a while... 


Sunday 2 August 2020

Kill Team - a practice game

I haven’t post much recently - been busy doing other stuff, such is life. However DK has just purchased his own copy of the Kill Team rules so Steedo and I felt we better have a re run through the rules before we face DK’s buffed Genestealer Cultists (and Snake-eyes improved Drukari). So with very little planning we set up the first matched play scenario from the book - Sweep and Clear in think it is called (obviously I could look it up in the book but it is not to hand). It was Steedo’s Deathwatch versus my Primaris Marines (my Adeptus Machanicus have already lost to the Deathwatch so I thought I would see if I could do any better with the Space Marines). 
We set up and remembered the scouting phase - where I was able to take a successful shot on one of the Deathwatch, getting a flesh wound. 

Starting positions.

First moves - trying to go around the flanks (the Deathwatch are after the San Miguel!).

The first turn was the the only turn I managed to win initiative - so I rushed the Reivers and Sergeant forward to take the Deathwatch in the flank, using the Intercessors to provide cover fire. Steedo has a similar strategy on the other flank. Unfortunately for me the Deathwatch put out of action my communication marine. 

The next couple of turns were pretty indecisive  - with cap wasted on rerolls rather than some of the rather good effects that they can bring - this was mainly down to some appalling dice rolls on my part (managing to roll less than three on a number of occasions with more than one dice) - I managed a few hits, but these were saved or didn’t result in Out of Action, just flesh wounds. Steedo was pushing forward to sit on the objectives, my plan was to break his team by the end of the 4th turn for the win. I had taken the risk of flesh wounds on a couple of intercessors rather than re-rolling dice. 

The Deathwatch leader heads to a objective marker.

Into the final turn and there was all to play for. Steedo’s Deathwatch were in a winning position by virtue of having a man on an objective marker. To be fair it went rather well for me two of the Deathwatch taken out of action in melee and 2 of the remaining three with flash wounds. Of my remaining 5 marines I had 3 with flesh wounds. We would both be taking a morale test - Steedo needed to roll 9 or less and I needed to roll 8 or less. If we managed it we would play another turn on a roll of 3+. 

Some success in the Deathwatch deployment zone.

The Deathwatch in the Primaris deployment zones.

So make it or break (literally) rolls were made: Deathwatch roll an 8, so pass .... I roll a 9 so the Primaris marines break! I certainly felt the dice gods were against me .... a pass and we would have had to check for shaken, and that could have changed the game. A another straight win for the Deathwatch we didn’t need to worry about victory points as a my team broke at the end of the 4th turn. However the scores at this point were 4 (1 objective 3pts and 1 OOA) to the Deathwatch and 2 (2 OOA) to the Argonauts.  

Another loss to the Deathwatch, they gave the Machcanicus a slapping last time too, this was a closer game with poor dice for me. I think that I wasn’t that far from a win. What we both need to do is get better at using the command points and picking the right tactic to use with them. 

An enjoyable evening of gaming. 


Saturday 4 July 2020

Oathmark - first thoughts.

So I succumbed to buying Oathmark by Joe McCullough, I was holding out because I enjoy Kings of War (2nd Ed because I am too tight to buy the 3rd Edition), but Amazon were doing a very good price (sorry to the specialist games shops but the price was too good from the online behemoth!).

There were a few things putting off the purchase - all "human" sized figures on 25mm bases - now I don't have an issue with that per say (in fact I base most of my stuff on 25mm rounds these days), but the elves, dwarfs and humans I have are on 20mm squares. Also I was aware of the fact that units are in multiples of 5 for standard foot abandoned cavalry, mine are in units of 12 for infantry and 6 for cavalry. The main driver for the buying the rules was the campaign rules which seemed interesting (although the group can't seen to get any momentum for campaigns - apart from a Call of Cthulhu web based one we are playing via webex. That's probably because we don't have to travel! Lazy that is.).
Any the rules are easy to read - smashed through them in one evening. They seem logical and clearly set out - actually very good, so I might try a solo run through in the near future (along with a couple of other things ....). There is one typo in my copy (and I assume everyone else's), on page 44 the picture is over the last line of text - probably resolved in the FAQs.

The one thing which does slightly confuse me is that there are no rules for Orc wolf riders, but Orc characters can be upgraded to ride wolves - I would like some rules for these as my Hobgoblin (Orcs) have a unit or 2 of wolf riders which I don’t want to count as goblins.
The other slightly frustrating thing is that I will need to buy a supplement or two for rules on unit progression (not sure that I am too bothered about that to be honest) and undead (Battlesworn and Oathbreakers respectively). But I need to play with what I have first ....


Thursday 2 July 2020

At last!

After missing out on the Kickstarter (years ago) I have finally got hold of a couple of Crocodile Games Wargods Minis. 
Namely the Demigods of Athena and Mars!
Really nice looking minis - would have like to get hold of the demigod of Hades 2 (but not in stock) and after seeing it the Corinthian captain looks good too. 
I don’t really have an excuse anymore for putting of the Of Gods and Mortals stuff I have been collecting for ..... years. 

So much to do ....


Sunday 21 June 2020

A few Heroes .....

So in between the Argonauts being done I was working on 3 Viking heroes by warlord games which I was given for my birthday and 3 very old Runequest figures I have had on the painting queue for years ....

I still have to varnish and finish off the bases - but I thought I would show them off. 
The Vikings could be used for SAGA and the Runequest figures could be adventurers in Sellswords and Spellslingers (or more likely they will sit in the painted cabinet for years). 


Thursday 18 June 2020

The Argonauts Space Marine Chapter.

The Argonauts Chapter were founded as a Primaris Chapter as part of the Ultima founding, from Ultramarines gene-stock with no mutations. 
They are a fleet based Chapter with 6 vessels - most damaged as the chapter is always questing. Searching for artefacts to support the survival of the Imperium of Mankind. Due to this the chapter is used to standing alone against many enemies and is under strength, continually moving about. 
The Argonauts have a hatred of Orks, who are regarded as barbaric destroyers of artefacts from the Golden Age of mankind in the sectors  the chapter have been operating in. The chapter has also run into issues with the Adeptus Mechanicus as their teams search for ancient technology, which had lead to exchanges of fire. 

The Veteran sergeant and intercessor from the 4th Squad. 

Intercessors with Auxiliary Grenade launcher and Auspex (again from the 4th squad)  
The sergeant and an intercessor of the 7th squad. 
7th squad intercessors - one with a stalker bolt rifle. 
The reivers of the 9th squad. 

So there is the very over powered (in teams of miniatures, rather than potency) Primaris Kill Team force. I have enjoyed painting this lot (in various sessions) - a now wish I had picked up some “Greek/Spartan” kit to really give them a proper Argonauts look ... in fact I am currently struggling against gaming “mission” creep, as another 3 intercessors could be used to make a couple of heavy weapons and a lieutenant ... and while I am at it I would want a couple of reivers so that all squads had 5 minis each - I could see a move to a small 40k force. 
Must fight the mission creep ....
