Saturday 9 April 2016

Photos - does the background work?

Printed out a landscape to act as a background for pictures...... Does it work?
Seems ok on this case.

Not so sure here.


Thursday 7 April 2016

KoW - Away game at the Club

I finally manage to get over to a local games club - run by the Toymaster, whose undead my elves faced.
I was surprised how many people were are the club - must have been around 16 in total over the 3 hours. Most seemed to be playing Warhammer 40k, I think 2 or 3 tables, even a game of GW War of the Ring my game of Kings of War - there were a couple of observers who hadn't got a game.

The Toymaster had 2000 points of undead:
Troops - a zombie horde, regiments of skeletons, wrights and ghouls, a horde of werewolves.
Heroes - zombie dragon with vampire, liche king, Necromancer and lady Ilona.

My 2000 points of elves were:
Troops - regiments of archers, gladestalkers, guard, Knights, a horde of spears and 2  troops of light cavalry. 
Heroes - Dragon Lord, 2 mages and a standard bearer.  I also picked up 5 Magic artifacts and upgraded the spells on the Mages. 

Opening turn and deployment - The undead shambled forward. 
Turn 2 - the elves unleashed a missile storm on the werewolves - they waver! No thanks to the dragon which didn't scored a single hit with 15 attacks! But the bane-chant and heart seeking chant worked a treat!
By the end of turn 4 (the elves second turn) both the ghouls and werewolves had been routed by missile fire!

The zombie dragon and wrights attack the light cavalry on the left - now little more than speed bumps. 

A surge spell stops the zombies hitting the elven spears you an inch! Things seem to be going right for the elves. The Knights charge the undead Knights ...
The Knights rout the undead horse ......but an inspiring reroll changes the result .....Nooooo!

The result of this is shown below - the elven Knights surrounded and destroyed!
The inspiring rule twice more caused much heart ache to the elves as the zombies stopped routing, as did the zombie dragon ........ These results were game changers as it meant the elves couldn't redeploy.
Anyway the elven archers were routed by the undead Knights - but the dragon saw these off eventually. The elven spears saw off the zombies - but were surrounded and routed by the Lady Ilona and the skeletons. The zombie dragon took out the elf guard but was burnt to a crisp by a Mage!

The final positions are shown below ....
I did make a mistake in my final turn - I put 25 attacks on the wrights as they had taken damage and failed to score a hit. In retrospect I should have got the dragon to attack the skeletons as I would have had a good chance of a rout ..... Those 100 points would have given me the win!
The final score gave the Toymaster 715 points on the table to my 680 ...... Close!

I have to say I found the undeads lifeleach ability really annoying - but not as annoying as Lady Ilona - hard to hit, hard to damage and with 8 attacks coupled with lifeleach an absolute nightmare to deal with! The dragon couldn't kill her! 

A good game and I will be visiting the club again! I will have my revenge!


Wednesday 6 April 2016

Tidied up and new to the work bench

I have tidied up the work area - with the addition of the Kvissle letter rack from Ikea. I saw this recommended on frothers. It is a useful bit of kit as I can put the different "projects" on its own little shelf - this also cleared space in the cupboard. 

I have also started a beast of war for my Kings of War, Kingdoms of Men army. 
It started life as a Essex minis Macedonian Successor Elephent before I purchased it for a Lord of the Rngs Haradrim HotT army (a unstarted and unfinished project ..... Some sprues of infantry and Riders will be on eBay soon!). I have had to scratch build an bolt-thrower and rebuild some figures who where butchered to make the Knights .....hopefully will turn out nicely in the end.
Not sure what base size to go for - 60mm square (al la HotT) or 50x100mm for KoW which seems a bit big.

Monday 4 April 2016

SAGA - Vikings! ...... And Kings of War.

Well I finished of the Vikings - hurrah!
Got to think of a Raven based name now - suggestions appreciated. 

Warlord abd Standard


Hirdmen - two handed axes

Hirdmen - Sword and Shield

At present I have 5 figures in these units - if I only need 4 (DK please confirm) the dudes on the far left of the pictures will be transferring the the evil Vikings with a head swap .... Not to much work 😀

Warriors/Bondi with Axes and Swords

Warriors and Bondi with Spears

The 5 point warband all together. 

I think that the red/cream and Raven theme works pretty well. It may not be historical but it brings the warband together. 

It works well for creating a Kings of War shield horde (or two regiments) by combining the Hirdmen and Warriors. 

Also rebased 3 Viking/Saxon cavalry (stupidly I sold 8 of these a few years ago) - these might be useful for SAGA or other skirmish game - they make a troop for KoW. 

The evil Vikings ...... Run!


Saturday 2 April 2016

Games evening

We all went around Steedo's to play Skull and Shackles but he wasn't ready so we played ....

Chrononauts - an interesting game where you can change history and create paradoxes - stealing artifacts from history and each other. Certainly worth another play - Win to Morts. 

We then moved onto code words - the teams were DK and myself versus Steedo and Snake-eyes. 
It started well with 2 quick wins before Steedo and Snake-eyes pulled it back to 2 all with an impressive "Airwolf" 5 ....... Don't ask. 
However the decider went to DK and myself! This was the high point of the evening for me. 

Then Risk Legacy - lots of meta-gaming going on - many poor dice rolls by yours truly. I enjoyed the position of NEVER being a threat or in contention to win - picture shows the basic position for me for the whole game - 3 territories in Europe. 
Steedo and Snake-eyes control the Americas - DK in Oz .... I was placing 3 troops a turn getting one territory and stopping - It was at this point that I was reduced to drinking and consuming snacks (even kiddies R2D2 popcorn). 
Snake-eyes went for the win but this allowed DK to charge across Africa and take Snake-eyes capital for his first win (on game 6). Well done for breaking your duck. 

We then played Jamacia - I like this game but am just rubbish at it!
1st DK 26 pts, 2nd Steedo 20 pts, 3rd Morts 0 pts and Snake-eyes -1pts. 

The evening was finished off with Welcome to the Dungeon - I really must read what is on the cards ....
Win to Steedo and I was killed ....... It did not end as a good evening for me.


Friday 1 April 2016

Nearly there ..... SAGA almost over.....

Well I have completed the final unit of Viking warriors (bondi) for my SAGA warband. 
Apart from the varnishing and basing - which will be when the whole lot are seen again.
I have kept the shields in the same colour palate for all the units and "Raven" shield design - hopefully this will pay off when they are altogether. 
They will also be turning up as a unit in my Kingdoms of Men Kings of War army - probably as a shield wall horde. 

Also finish the evil Vikings .....
Must resist getting making any more.... At the moment they make an element for HotT or a troop for KoW. 

Also managed a few games with Steedo and DK a couple of days ago ....
Odin's Ravens 
Steedo 2 wins
Morts 1 win 1 loss
DK 2 losses

Steedo 1st, Morts 2nd, DK 3rd
This was the first time I have played this - good fun but requires more thought than you think!
Hope to play again. 

1st Morts, 2nd Steedo, 3rd DK (played until half-time). 
Again the first time for me - enjoyed beating up Steedo and killing 3 of his players. Steedo reckoned it is better with 2 players as the board will get very crowded with 3/4 teams. The scoring changes as you get into the 3/4 periods. An interesting game with some nice playing pieces.  

So a good evening for Steedo and me ..... Not so much for DK - but there is always Risk!
