Thursday 21 November 2019

Dwarf Army - Completed

So for years I have had some Dwarf miniatures from Citadel and Asgard (plus a couple of others makes). Recently I pick up a few axe dwarfs and crossbow from SHQ to finish off the units into groups of 12 figures, so they can be used in Dragon Rampant and for Kings of War (on the sabot bases). 

First up the whole army and the leaders (Asgard Lord, Reaper Cleric and the very old Corbett Shortstuff from the Dwarf Kings a Court). 

Then the Spear and Pike units (almost exclusively Asgard), a couple mixed warrior and crossbow units (warrior unit an even mix of Citadel and Asgard, while the crossbow unit was mainly Asgard). 

This is the heavy unit with the new SHQ axe warriors - the Red/Blue painted helmets was done to try to match in the very old Citadel armoured dwarfs in the front rank. I think it works pretty well. 

All based at the same time, so they match up pretty well. I was planning to put them on a gaming mat rather than the table top .....
I am planning to make a steam tank (steel behemoth in Kings of War) for extra power - just realised that I forgot to include the dwarf cannon (d'oh!). The other option is to use the Earth Elemental with the cleric.
Need to get to the table .....
