Sunday 19 April 2015

GNW Maurice Scenario

Last night got to play Sam Mustafa's Maurice 18th century rules for the first time in about a year. I really like Maurice as a game - the use of cards make change from must of the systems I play and I feel makes it very tactical. 

The scenario we played was from Miniature Wargames issue 140 called River Luhe 1626 based on a possible thirty years war engagement between the Danes and Imperialists, however it was transposed 80 odd years later to the Great Northern War with the Swedes and Russians taking the roles of combatants respectively. 

The Map

The river is fordable for infantry and cavalry. Objectives for Swedes hold the bridges. For the Russians take both the bridges or one bridge and the road junction in A5. 
Swedes can deploy anywhere North of the river. Russians arrive as indicated in army breakdown, but rolling to see if the brigade arrive on the Western or Eastern road.

The forces were as follows:

Swedes - 75 points and 18 points National Advantages (Cavaliers and a la Baionnette) Army Morale 9
5 regiments of foot (1 elite)
4 regiments of horse (1 elite)

Russians - 74 points, Army Morale 14
Turn 1 
2 regiments of foot (1 conscript)
3 regiments of dragoons

Arrives Turn 3
3 regiments of foot (2 elite)
1 regiments of dragoons 
1 Artillery battery 

Arrives Turn 5
2 regiments of foot (1 conscript)
1 regiments of dragoons 
1 Artillery battery

In retrospect the Russians should have had some points on National Advantages and/or an extra infrantry unit.

Starting positions
Swedes take up forward position with infantry in the centre and cavalry on the flanks - classic dispositions for the period. First Russian brigade arriving on the eastern road.

Russians begin to deploy - Swedes watch.

Turn 3
Very aggressive move from the Russians as 3 regiments of dragoons charge across the river - picking up a disruption marker. An inconclusive initial engagement where the outnumbered Swedes held their own. The battle was mainly fought on the eastern side of the battlefield.

The Russians second brigade arrive - unfortunately this is how they stayed for the entire battle apart from the artillery! Two elite units did nothing!

Swedish counter charge devastates the Russians!
The aftermath - 3 dragoon regiments broken! With some poor dice rolling the Russian morale drops by 8 points!

Turn7 ish
The 3rd Russian brigade has arrived - bombardment has destroyed one of the Swedish Horse regiments. The other crossed the river to take the Russians in the flank, only to discover bad going which wasn't on the map! The Russians have sent a dragoon regiment far behind the Swedish line.

A turn or 2 later 
The Swedes have marched their elite cavalry from the western flank to engage the dragoons. This should have been over quickly but for the playing of Valeur et Discipline - which kept Russian dragoons in the fight and weeken the Swedish Horse. In the end the Swedish Horse were finished off by a bombard action and the dragoons by a volley after an about face by the foot at the end of the line. Russian volleys had also broken the Swedish Horse at the extreme eastern end of the battlefield. The Swedes army morale was down to 1 point the Russians were on 5.

Turn 9 or 10 could be 11 ....
Russians use Capture Intelligence card and take the Confusion card ... They use the Confusion card to bring a unit across the river - they plan to isolate and destroy it thus breaking the  Swedish army and winning the game. But they bring across the Swedish elite!

They wheel to take the Russians in the flank! With the aid of the thick smoke the survive canister in the flank!
No volley phase!
They charge into the flanks - that negative 6 is a real killer
High rolling meant the Russians lose their 5 remaining Army morale points .... A victory to the blue boys of Sweden.  A damned close run thing!

A couple of rules errors forgot the effect of pikes -1 for musketry and +1 for charging foot.

A good game and thanks to Steedo for being the forces of the Tsar. In retrospect the Russians didn't use their second brigade (apart from the artillery) which contained 2 elites - this was a big error as if they had been deployed I think Steedo could have won on the western side of the battle field. 
Losses were 3 regiments of horse for the Swedes, 4 regiments of dragoons and 2 regiments of foot for the Russians. 

Sunday 12 April 2015

What has been painted now!

A painting up date. Exciting I know so hang on to your hats. Or not.

For the on going Saga of Orc's Drift.

First up the new recruits for the Linden Way Militia. 
3 Archers. Originally Garrison Archers from the Harlequin/Black Tree Design Lord of the Rings range which was released before the Peter Jackson movies. I scraped off the Tree of Gondor from their chests.

8 Spearmen
These are also from the Harlequin/Black Tree Design Lord of the Rings range - but were the Men of Anfalas. I picked these up ages ago as I liked the Dark Age/Late Roman vibe they have got for a 1000-1500 point Warhammer army .... That plan got as far as the buying stage. With most being sold off unpainted, but I kept enough for a HoTT army - which was helpful when I decided to run the Orc's Drift scenario pack. 
Now they are going to from the basis of a Retinue for Lion Rampant and hopefully enough for a Dux Bellorum force as well. If I can sort the sabot bases rambled about recently.

I will do a muster for Linden Way a little closer to the game - when we have sorted a date.
Incidentally the figures are still available from Scotia Grendal Productions in the generic fantasy range.

These 3 are some of the civilians needed for Linden Way. From left to right a Black Tree monk, a Warlord Games Celtic boy and a Mark Copplestone sculpted mediaeval lady (I think was a give away with Wargames Illustrated years ago) who I picked up at a bring & buy ... Again years ago!

The final 3 are figures which have been half painted for 2 or 3 years. A couple of Asgard/Tabletop barbarians (still available from Alternative Armies) and a Satyr by Tin Soldier (bought from a HoTT army, but could now be used for Of Gods and Mortals, Song of Blades or anything else I think of).

Thinking of Of Gods and Mortals does anyone know when Croc Games Kickstarter Demi-gods will be available? Fantastic sculpts but I didn't do the Kickstarter so am still waiting :(

Any comments about the figures appreciated - I think I should have put tattoos on the barbarians... 

Next on to the painting list ..... Whatever I want ;)

Thursday 2 April 2015

Basing - dealing with duplication 2

Following up on the duplication ramble - basing and rule systems the bane of the wargamer.
Considering the time spent on painting minis for this game or that it would be nice to be able to cross over systems.

HoTT is 60mm frontage for everything but number of figures varies, Warhammer is 20mm or 25mm bases for individuals - excluding monsters. Then the Lord of the Rings SBG is 25mm or 40mm rounds 

.... I am considering creating some sabbot bases with 80mm frontage and 60mm depth with space for 3 by 2 infantry with any type of base (20, 25 squares and 25 rounds) and 3 cavalry on 25 by 50 rectangles or pils. It has to be said that some of the thinking behind this comes from having access to a laser cutter at work - all I have to do is supply the mdf and work out how to use the software. That bit is worrying as I can't work out how to put links on this blog - d'oh!

This will also be of benefit for the Vikings/Saxons for Dux Bellorum, Of Gods and Mortals and possibly SAGA if DK can get it together rather than buying a new boardgames every week ;)
I am not planning to change the DBA armies as they cover the same historical period - well roughly.
Greeks, Persians, Macedonians, Romans, Thracians, Celts and Carthagian.

Images - well some poor quality rough sketches.

Any thoughts on this would be nice - before I work out how to use the laser cutter!

Obviously this will require a fair amount of work - taking things off bases and putting back on bases.
I think it will give a nice looking game with more figures per base. 

Well there is a plan - put with all wargaming plans it has yet to hit reality. And of course doing this stops painting etc.