Monday 28 December 2020

Starting things for the New Year

Well I started prepping stuff for future painting. A couple of Hobgoblin heroes with their bases blended into the slate on the bases. 

A box  of necrons, assault intercessors, some wraiths and a few confrontation miniatures. I have also prepped up some 15mm stuff for the Age of Reason. I had planned to spray undercoat today but it was too cold outside (and will be for a few days or weeks). 

I have also managed to the base coat and wash some Russian Dragoons and Cossacks (one unit done so that they could be used as Swedish light cavalry if I managed to organised an imagi-nation campaign for Maurice). These have been hanging around for a year or two .....


Wednesday 23 December 2020

Dwarfs - Finished

 So I managed to hit one Christmas target and finish off the Dwarfs (this time no extras will be added - no matter how good the offer is on eBay). 


Some run of the mill Dwarf warriors with hand weapon and shields. Hopefully they might see a bit of action soon, if I can organise a solo

Saturday 5 December 2020

Even more stuff ...

 So the Meng Char 1B arrived a few weeks ago - didn’t post as was busy. I have managed to base and varnish all the figures I have painted of the last few months. And have started on the  last of the dwarfs (target to finish before Christmas). 

However I did manage to pick off eBay the latest WH40k rule book with all the background fluff - I am looking at trying out the Combat Patrol small action games. 

The production quality is very good and the it is a weighty tome. The price I paid was good, but the packaging was poor, so I have contacted the seller. So some not so light reading material. 

Hopefully I will post more when I have time ...
