Friday 29 July 2022

Blackstone Fortress - start of the campaign.

So last night Tiger King and myself sat down and started the Blackstone Fortress campaign - “search for the hidden vault”. We picked a couple of tough characters each. Tiger King had Amallyn Shadowguide and UR-025, whisky I had Janus Draik and Pious Vorne. The expedition stared with 2 challenges which we were singular unsuccessful with - in fact due to forgetting the combat rules pious managed to pick up 3 grievous wounds … but she did pick up some archotech in the second challenge. 

We then had a combat session to complete- which meant I had to focus on getting the rules right - which we did (although we did forget a couple of reinforcement rolls at the start). 

The encounter was a fairly straightforward one with 2 units of traitor guard, which the ranger and robot made fairly short work of, where as I continued to roll badly …. Apart from high on the reinforcement table, so none turned up and average on the event table so that the escape lift turned up without too much effort. The Asuryani ranger (Tiger King) did snatch a discovery token from Janus, which seemed a little mean, but possibly in character for the campaign. 

After we had completed the combat, we had to end the expedition as Tiger King had to go home, so before the next game we have to do the Precipice stage for recovery and buying kit, before a new expedition. The early end might have an impact on the Legacy cards. 

Hopefully the group can get together before the end of August for the next round. 


Friday 22 July 2022

Some games with the Danes

So my brother is over from Denmark with is family. He and my nephew came over for a game or two. My nephew is very into Vikings and Norse Mythology so I thought we would have a go at SAGA - which would be a little challenging as I have only played it once - about 2 years ago with DK.  

My brother was the Anglo-Saxons and my nephew was the Vikings - both with 2 units of heathguard and 2 units of warriors. They set the terrain out by packing the centre of the board with marsh and woods (probably got the set up rules a bit wrong as well). We were using the Warlords kill each other scenario  

The first two turns saw a passive Viking force move up onto the hill. The Anglo-Saxons were moving forward …

The next two turns saw the berserkers attack the Saxons by the building - only for them to be repelled with significant loses. The low armour and poor saving throws weren’t helping the Vikings cause. 
The fifth turn saw my nephew to use the warlord special command to attack the Saxon by the building only for some very vicious fighting to kill both the units of heathguard and unfortunately the Viking warlord ending the scenario - a win for my brother … 
My brother seemed to get SAGA quicker than my nephew who was a little tentative with his forces - all learning curve. 

We then moved onto a more challenging game of Dungeonquest. 

This resulted in an all out win for the Dungeon! It can be a merciless but fun as the time runs out. My nephew lost the barbarian down the bottomless pit - my brother the adventurer to a a couple of traps and a death warrior … my nephew took the knight in only for him to be trapped in the dungeon with my ranger …


Some Hobgoblins

A little painting has been done during the heat wave - I found the heat made me tired rather quickly and painting get be a challenge when it drying quickly beyond the heat. These are some of the Satanic Panic Hobgoblin archers from the Kickstarter I did awhile ago, for Kings of War or a Rampant game. 

Easy miniatures to paint - a reasonable job on these. Another 7 to go for the unit. 


Saturday 2 July 2022

Mobile Infantry - a few more done

As it has been a little bit busy recently with both thing 1 and thing 2 returning from University (semi permanently and for the summer) I chose to paint something fairly easy from the undercoated “pile” - a few Starship Troopers (light armour) Mobile Infantry. 

Not a bad job - but not the best for these apes. I will have to work out a way of differentiating the squads for whatever game systems they get used in. Only another 17 or so of these to paint. I have enough for a game just need to play one. 
