Friday 28 May 2021


 So I managed to pick cheaply from eBay a squad of Hellblaster intercessors for my Space Marines. I done a little bit of converting to get a sergeant figure.

These plasma armed bad boys should be useful for any combat patrol level games .., and with the arriving soon Pariah Nexus rule book and cards a lot of extra punch to the Kill Team. 

Just got these and the assault intercessors to paint up - and my little space marine chapter will be finished.  


Saturday 15 May 2021

The last of the wraiths or Chainrasps

So because they are easy to paint - white undercoat, then base coat the bits which aren’t going to be “off white”, wash, then highlight.

Got to varnish and finish off the bases. They should be the last of the undead ... but the Atlantic, Oathmark and even the Warlord games plastic skeletons look so tempting - especially as they have some Greek styling ....
But we shall see. I might try them out in a game in June.

I need to get on with the Blackstone Fortress miniatures- I have the Rogue Psykers based and under coated, and 3 adventurers assembled. 

But there is a big birthday in the family coming up, so I will have to see where the time goes. 


Sunday 9 May 2021

Some games played and a little painting done.

So last weekend (so this is a rather late report) the group got together at Tony’s place for a meet up and to play some games outside - making sure we followed the COVID rules for the UK. Unfortunately Sylon couldn’t make it, but it was the first real face to face meeting with Tony for most of the collective.

We started off with Perudo - as DK said it was easy and he can clearly explain the rules to “normal” non gamer types .... unfortunately he also give us little laminated rule sheets which contradict almost every thing he said. So we haphazardly played a few rounds in confusion, before Mrs Tony brought out a very nice dinner of Middle Eastern chicken and rice - which ended the game. There was also a very nice apple crumble and banana cake which we were fed. On my return home when I mentioned the feast my better half said she wasn’t cooking for the group  .... which is disappointing.

After the food we moved onto playing One Night Werewolf - which we haven’t played in a while (and not just because of COVID.. actually because I said it was risking getting over exposed on an early post on this very blog) and it was nice to play it again, much merriment it produced. Then we moved onto COUP - another game we haven’t played in a while, again a good game with lots of bluff  I quite like the vanilla version (which we played) where as DK prefers the version with factions - I could be persuaded but would like to get the basics sorted before moving the goal posts so to speak. By this time it was around 11pm and getting rather cold - it has been a cold spring this year. 

So this week work has been annoying my busy so I haven’t been up to much - but I have finished half a unit of wraith things (chain rasps) for whatever game system I care to use them for. 

I am quite pleased with these - as usual the basing needs finishing but they will do the job. 

I also sold some old unpainted still in box Confrontation stuff I found - these were technically very good sculpts but I didn’t like the actual miniatures,  they will fund something else in the future.
