Sunday 30 October 2016

Work in progress ......

Well been doing some reviewing of stuff and thinking about the order of painting ....
Currently working on Saxons for my SAGA warband and Lion Rampant. Thegns with axes and the Warlord and Standard.
Then I have extra command figures for the Kings of War Kingdoms of Men army - mounted standard and the Captain (and a Sargent to add the the 3 I already have). Then I have the Slaughter Priest and an Ogre Hero.
All of the above have had a base coat then a wash - sepia and or black over the armour. Then hopefully a couple of hours and a unit will be complete. There are 2 more units of Saxons to do (4 thegns and 8 warriors with spears).

The plan is to finish off the Hobgoblin archers and Hobhounds next, then either some Starship Troopers stuff or some men of Gondor!
So this a plan - let's see if I can keep to it when the frostgrave stuff turns up. 


Thursday 27 October 2016

Saxons - first warriors done ...

Well I have painted 8 Saxon warriors with swords and axes for SAGA, Dragon Rampant and Kings of War. 
Not the best paint job - but a good gaming standard. Went for the green and white as had already used red on the Vikings so needed a contrasting scheme. The shields work with the Devon flag (not Plymouth Argyle!) - will be putting some red and black in some of the other shields.
Varnish and basing to go!


Tuesday 25 October 2016

Evil Vikings

Well I have painted something and managed a quick blog post.
Apart from some varnish I have 12 evil Viking types now - Gripping Beast Vikings and Saxons with GW Chaos Maurader shields and heads (and an old Goblin standard). 
Not totally sure what to use them for ..... Kings of War, Dragon Rampant etc. 
But I have had fun doing them. Might add to the little gang with some of the Frostgrave barbarians. 
Started on some Saxon warriors for SAGA. 
Lots to do on the to do list .... Including sorting out units for various systems and selling on the rest!
So much to do and not enough time!


Sunday 9 October 2016

A late Kings of War report......

My older brother travelled over from the continent to play a game of Kings of War game (and go on a 23 mile hike on the moor but enough of rambling!). 
We played an unpointed game due mainly to a heavy beer night which left everyone a little sluggish. 
My brother took the force of darkness - Ogres and Hobgoblins, while Steedo took the forces of good - Men and Elves. 
Initial deployment. 
First move involved a lot of shooting by the forces of good - the Ogres and Hobgoblins charge across the battlefield. Their giant killed off by the bolt shooters on the beasts of war. 
The Wyvern which had taken hits from the bolt shooters on the beasts of war went for the dragon. 
The dragon counter-attacked. The elf knights get isolated again ....and destroyed by a hobgoblin horde  over at the far end. 
With the previous damage the dragon makes short work of the Wyvern, then attacks the 2nd horde of hobgoblins in the flank!
The Ogres are making head way against the humans but the beasts of war are a tougher nut to crack. 
The dragon wavers the horde which withdraws but this allows the hobgoblin wizards to fireball the dragon .... Making it waver!
The human knights held up a unit of gore riders for about 4 turns before being overwhelmed. 
The hobgoblin wizards fireballed and destroyed the dragon while the beasts of war destroyed the ogre hordes.  Unfortunately the elf Mage and archers are overrun by hobgoblins. 
Below the end of game - victory to the forces of darkness! The survivors ....
A human wizard, general and 2 beasts of war. The forces of darkness,a hero, 2 wizards, a horde, a regiment and 2 regiments of gore riders .... The ogres had a warlord left.  

Another entertaining game of Kings of War - during the first few turns I thought I would need to find some more forces for the hobgoblins and ogres as they seemed to be being getting a beating. The game was going to and fro ... Everyone seemed to enjoy the game. I think the forces were a little unbalanced but I haven't had a chance to point it out and now probably won't. 
Thanks to Steedo and my Brother for being commanders. 

On Friday Steedo, DK and I managed to play Alien Frontiers (a win to DK), Carcassone (win to Steedo) and Welcome to the Dungeon (win to me!). 

Hope to get some painting done soon - have ordered the Men Who Would Be Kings ... A colonial variant of Lion Rampant and Frostgrave Forgotten Pacts .... So should be fun!
