Saturday 29 September 2018

What have I invested in?

Well Warhammer 40k - Kill Team!

But as usual I've tried to do it cheap - I had had a discussion with DK about investing in the game, perhaps splitting a starter box. But we didn't get any further than that. Then on my return from holiday GW were advertising a part work of 40k stuff. Issue one was cracking value 3 marines and 3 pots of paint for £1.99, so I picked up a copy - worth it for paint alone. I was planning to get issue 2 as this had a board, dice and some other stuff (plague marines and more paint), but I couldn't find it ....
Then while trawling on Lead Adventure Forum (LAF) someone put out a Space Marine Kill Team which had the 3 marines from issue 1 of the part work and 3 from issue 3 (£7.99 - but more paint) - so I set out for issue 3. A quick look on on eBay got a copy of the rules for under £20 incl P&P (could have picked up a copy cheaper in the summer ....).
So my haul for under £30!
Things to do - decide the colour scheme for the Space Wombles..... Which is harder than I thought, quite like the idea of the Raven Guard or Morticators (or something like that), but concerned about the black armour being a pain to paint.... More thought needed. 
Also planning to use Starship Trooper Mobile infantry as Imperial Guard proxies - voids duplication of similar types of minis. Probably plenty of printing of tokens which are needed as I don't have a starter set. 
And read the rules - that will be important. 
I am also tempted by a special offer on Kings of War - Vanguard. The skirmish version of the game which is half price at the moment..... Currently I have the attention span of a flippery gibit! New new .....
Haven't been in the painting grove due to back at work - but I will .....


Sunday 16 September 2018

Been busy and New Angeles

Well what have I been up to .... Been to Greece (Kos actually), plenty of history there.
Some anicent in K's Town ..... 
Some Middle Ages - the castle of Antimachia. Built by the Knight Hospitaller I believe. 
And more recently built by the Germans  ...... Some a little close to the sea. As I understand it the battle of Kos was fought around the village of Antimachia near the castle in 1943 - a win for the Germans as after a British Invasion Eisenhower didn't want resources diverted from the main theatres. 
Anyway a splendid holiday. 

I have also been watching all .... 7 seasons of the Walking Dead on Amazon Prime. There are 8 but I'm not going to pay extra to watch season 8. Hopefully Steedo will sort out a game of The Walking Dead All Out War (purchased a couple years ago I think). 
I did start by watching Fear the Walking Dead - I managed the first two seasons but found some of the characters a bit annoying (Madison mainly). I might give season 3 ago sometime. 

On Friday the collective got together for a game of New Angeles .... Snakes-eyes purchase from GamesExpo 2017. It's first time out .....
The game plays well but was a bit of an event game in that it took about 6 hours to play. 
The basics of the game are that you have a proposal for the city - the other players then decide if they are going put in counter proposals. The winner of the vote wins an asset which can be used to gain credit. The game is won by having more credit than another player (a secret objective). But there could also be a player working for a Federal take over of the city. Bribing and back stabbing seem to be encouraged - as is chucking toys out of the pram (well throwing away a card which would have helped the team) to make a point when the vote does go your way .... The final upshot was that Steedo won as he was the Federalist and Snake-eyes, DK and myself lost because we weren't. Although I did achieve my secret objective of beating Snake-eyes, so a moral victory for me. 
Overall a good game but I think that 5 players would be a better game as the voting was a little odd with only two voters (Sylon you need to put in more game time) - however this would increase playing time, so it becomes more of an event game .....
Hopefully another game soon.
