Wednesday 30 August 2023

What’s on the painting table …

Well after the trip away I thought some Saxons for the Great Northern War or some Greeks, but what did I actually paint? A couple of Valkyries of course - why wouldn’t I? These have been knocking about for a while - bought ages ago for Of Gods and Mortals,

The Reaper bones miniature with a press moulded shield from an Odin miniature I have. 
The North Star miniature (again with a press moulded shield) from the official range. I have to say I quite enjoyed painting these ladies, something a bit different. Just need to paint one of the gods some I can have a force (as the vikings are already done for Saga). Of course I need to paint a Greek god so that there is somebody to fight. 

Before the escape to Corfu I prepped some treemen types - "Groots” for Kings of War type games. I picked these 3D prints up fairly cheaply of Etsy. 
The bottom picture shows them with a 28mm wizard (so they are big enough - I thought they would be a little bigger) and what will be a Treeheader (in KoW), an old Citadel Treeman - which turned up in the McDeath scenario pack as Klinty. I am debating whether to get some leaf stuff to put on them. 

I also made and magnetised (weapons only) the Breachers for the Ad Mech.

As alway plenty to do.


Wingspan and Blitzkrieg - new games to me

Yesterday was Steedo’s birthday, so I was asked over to play a game or two. As it was Steedo’s birthday he chose Wingspan.

This is a card placement game where to have to place birds in the right environment, with the right amount of food. So the game is made of 4 rounds. In each round there is scoring for a randomly selected property (at set up) - could be most birds in woods or fields, or type of nest with or without eggs (which are also victory points and a type of currency).  There are 3 sections of the board - woods, fields and wetlands. Woods get you food, fields get you eggs and wetlands get you more cards. To place a bird you need food, but once you have placed one you will need eggs as well. The birds have an end of game scoring value and an action which can be either each time they are activated (get another food token or egg) or a one time only (such as place another bird). The birds have a value towards victory points as well. The key part of the game is to get a synergy between what you want to do and the birds you play - this was something I didn’t right right - I played a bird that could repeat the action of another bird,  but was then unable to place another bird in the right environment to use this benefit - was then stuffed as I couldn’t place birds as I didn’t have enough food or eggs … quite a learning game. I also got sort of keen to place certain birds, as they were cool (bald and golden eagles). I did not score well on the end of rounds or most of the other metrics for the game - although my birds were worth more than Steedo’s. But the result wasn’t in doubt as he won did win convincingly 72 - 55. 

At this point I should have asked for another game of Wingspan, as I had a better idea of how to play. However I thought it would be a good time to have a go a Biltzkrieg - WW2 in twenty minutes.

We managed 3 games of this - there were a few errors on the first game, which Steedo won. The game is a clever token placement game, where you try win campaigns in 5 theatres of war. To win a campaign you play armies or fleets with a value, this moves the red marker towards you side of the theatre tracker - if it is on your side when the last tile is place on the campaign space you get the war points for that campaign. You pick the tiles randomly from a bag - you start with 3 and collect one each turn - however if you have none to place you lose (the bomb symbol space means you take a counter off your opponent). If you can get the red marker to your end place on the theatre track you win the theatre and gain the benefit of any unused spaces and the un scored campaigns - which Steedo did to me without me spotting it in the second game - d’oh. There are ways to research new tech.weapons and to use propaganda to move up the war track. The game always starts with the axis player and when a player gets to 25 on the war track - but if the Axis player does this first the Allies get another turn. A nice little puzzle game.

We played 2 more games once each as the Allies and the Axis - both times Steedo won, well it was his birthday…. I’ve not done very well recently.


Monday 28 August 2023

Been away again … somewhere hot.

The family went off on holiday to Corfu this year. We stayed near Liapades on the west coast - a very nice it was too - the hotel was ok, the beach bar was hopelessly run - sit for table service, only to be ignored by the waitress for ages, go to bar, only to be redirected to seats unless drinking at the bar - this worked out well for the Women’s World Cup Final which I watched in the bar without buying anything. Anyway the local area was stunning and the weather possibly a tad too warm pushing 35 degrees most days. 

Some of the views from the first day - the Church was a kilometre uphill from the resort.

On the third day Thing 1 agreed to go on a little hike up to the monastery in the village of Paleokastritsa. 

Top left the bay of Paleokastritsa, top right the beginning of the Corfu trail from the resort. It required some scrambling and the was a ladder at one point to climb before levelling out and heading down to the village  and back up to the monastery of Paleokastritsa (which had a cannon of Russian origin outside it for some reason). Bottom right shows the hill with the Byzantine castle of Angelokastro - I did want to go there, but the heat would have meant starting a 6am ish (no volunteers) and the temperature was still around 24 degrees at that time. Anyway a nice little walk. 

We also did a little boat trip to see some of the caves and beaches which are only accessible by boat - absolutely gorgeous - could be Saint Nicholas’s cave, Poseidon’s cave and Paradise Beach - stayed on a beach for a couple of hours (almost burnt my feet as the sand (gravel) was so hot. 

Just before the end of the trip we headed over to Corfu Town - where we met with Keeno and family who were staying in the north of the island. However before we met up we had a little wander around the Old Fort (there is a new fort in the town as well, but I didn’t get to visit that one - next time).

The statue on the left is of Johann von der Schulenburg, who successfully defended Corfu (on behalf of the Venetians) from the Ottomans in 1716 - and probably had some influence on the old and new Forts in the town. I found this of interest as I had read about Schulenburg before, as he was a general on the Saxon army at the battle of Fraustadt (the account of which got me interested in the Great Northern War), where he had had a much tougher time against the Swedes. So seeing his statue and reading a bit more about him is making me think I should paint the Saxon troops who are undercoated for painting … the other pictures are of the entrance with the Old Fort with the older Venetian citadel in the background, and the sea moat to the right of the gate/bridge. 
Inside the fort are a number of cannons and mortars - I think these are of British origin (well the mortars are) - top right a view of northern - sea facing fortifications. Bottom right is the British built church - very much in the classical Greek style - was Anglican while the British were running things in Corfu (1814-1864), before become Orthodox Greek - however there was an art exhibition in there on our visit. Corfu old town was a maze of small streets - lots of character, but a tad shabby. 
Anyway Corfu is great place and I would like to go again, when it is a little cooler, so we could do a bit more exploring on foot. It might also encourage me to revisit the Saxons for the Great Northern War and some (more) classical Greeks I have about the place. 


Saturday 12 August 2023

Kill Team - Deathwatch versus Blooded

Steedo popped over with his Deathwatch to have a game of Kill Team (we really should be better at this game, but we normally have to go through a rules review each time we play - could be because we leave it so long each time!). I thought I would give the Blooded an outing as they had just been painted. We played the scenario Seize the Ground. We left out the Tac-Ops as are preparations were reading out of the compendium, core rules and the moroch books … which always makes things tough. 

Initial deployment saw my 12 man team crowded in the centre against the 6 man Deathwatch team. Steedo won the initiative and started the game well by taking out my Grenadier and Enforcer… which was a bit of a blow to be honest. I did manage to put some damage on a couple of the Deathwatch, but not enough to hurt them, until one got close enough for the melta Gunnar to, well melt him - unfortunately this made the Meltaman a magnet for retribution! However I won the turn on VPs leading 2 - 0. 
Turn 2 was where things really started to go wrong for the traitors to the Golden Throne - hits being make but the 3+ save really helping the marines - the marine leader killed my leader and trench sweeper, but he was vulnerable, and although he took some hit from the stimguy, which would have killed him - he saved them. This meant I had to send out the Ogryn to finish him off - but this left him out in the open! Meanwhile the marines were making short work of the other Traitors - knocking them off the objective makers. This turn was 3 nil to the Deathwatch - overall scoring watch 3-2 to Steedo. 

The picture of the end of turn 3 - and Steedo managed a total party kill! So lots of VPs. The Deathwatch just blastered the remaining members of the Blooded - especially the Ogryn … sad times for me! The game played like a 40k book (I’m reading Eisenhorn at the moment), so it turns of lore it played out as you would expect, the traitors being eradicated, which was quite cool. 
However from a gaming point of view I handled the Blooded very poorly, I didn’t make use of the auto hit from the Blooded makers or Gaze of the Gods (for an auto crit) - the blast damage taking out 2 pretty useful figures early on was a bit of a blow - I think I should have tried mobbing the marines more to use up their actions or force combat, also I was probably to protective of the Ogryn. 
We also need to improve our understanding of the Line of Sight rules, as I still think we are playing them correctly - we try next time when we aren’t so rushed (i was on designated driver duty for the better half). 


Friday 11 August 2023

Not all those who wander are lost ….

It seems appropriate to title this post with a Gandalf quote, partly because I painted one last week.

A Gandalf the white - this was a repair of a bargain off eBay years ago, missing his staff arm. I used a gripping beast spear arm and some green stuff as a replacement (this was done back when I got the figures - there are Aragorn and Theoden, also with missing arms floating about to be painted). Not too bad a job job on this version of the famous wizard, might start painting some more Lord of the Rings stuff.

The other reason for the Gandalf quote is that Steedo and I went for a wild camp and hike out on the moor this week - although I will have to confess to getting lost …. Took the wrong path from Norswothy Bridge, I knew it didn’t seem right, but decided I was, then compounded the error by not orientating the map before take a “check” bearing, which I fudge to make it fit the ground … not good at all, I should know better. 
Anyway the hike was really good (Steedo will have to confirm this …). 
Friday afternoon/evening saw a mist walk from Princetown, around to Fogintor, Kings Tor and Ingra, then over around Sharp Tor and Leather Tor, through the woods north of Buritor reservoir and up onto Sheeps Tor to camp for the evening - the Wayfarer Chilli and Korean beef getting a thumbs up. Steedo had also brought some port as a rather nice night cap. 
Wednesday morning started with more mist, we headed down Sheep’s Tor with original intent to then go over Down Tor (some nice views from there, bottom right picture), but decided head back (woodland picture top right) to Norsworthy bridge (which is where the navigation errors occurred, adding an hour plus …) and up to Crazywell pool (bottom left). We followed the Devonport Leet to Older bridge then back over South Hesery Tor and back into Princetown for a will deserved pint at the Prince of Wales!
A really nice little hike with places to extend and challenge yourself if required. Thanks Steedo for your company!


Tuesday 8 August 2023

More Blackstone Fortress Chaos ….

To make up a Blooded Kill Team and unit sizes for Xenos Rampant, I got hold of some more miniatures. They need varnish and in the case of the cultists some tufts too.

A couple of cultists of the Abyss. 
Traitor Marksman, Gunner with melta and Corpseman. 
Traitor Flenser (converted from a cultist), Trench sweeper and gunner with Plasma.

Traitor Ogryn and Enforcer as the muscle for the Blooded. I decided to match the bases to the ones for Blackstone guard for consistency. 

Quite happy with these - could be better, but good for the table. 

Another escape to the country

Last week the better half and I escaped to the North and visited the Peak District. And a very nice time was had by all. Tuesday was a drive up and a visit to Dovedale and Thorpe Cloud.

Above a picture of Thorpe Cloud and Ilam rock - which we walked up the side - this didn’t go down well with the better half. Some beautiful views, but rather busy in Dovedale. As we walked back to Thorpe we saw 4 Kestrels hovering above - nice. 

Wednesday was forecast rain, so we had to go to Chatsworth. Because it was the inspiration for Pemberley in Austen’s Pride and Prejudice. 
An absolutely stunning house - well worth a look around. The weather wasn’t as bad as they had forecast. We followed Pemberley with a trip to Bakewell, to have some tart. 

Thursday was a better day so we headed to the North of the national park. 
Some cracking views of Bamford Edge, down to Ladybower Reservoir. We then headed directly across the moor to get to Stanage Edge - for some more Pride and Prejudice links. 
Amazing views and rock formations. After these we headed over to Castleton. 

After deciding not to pay £9.50 each to walk up to the ruined Pervil Castle, we took a walk down Cave dale. 
Some great views back down the dale - apparently used in the House of the Dragon. A really good trip to the North, and still so much to see and do in the Peaks - I did want to see Lud’s Church and go up Kinder Scout. But next time we are planning to head to the lakes and go self catering - more space and flexibility. 

On my return I finally got around to putting the floor into the shed extension I did a while ago. And had a little sort out. Now I have two bikes to get rid of. 

Should be going wild camping with Steedo in a bit - which should be fun.
