Friday 11 August 2023

Not all those who wander are lost ….

It seems appropriate to title this post with a Gandalf quote, partly because I painted one last week.

A Gandalf the white - this was a repair of a bargain off eBay years ago, missing his staff arm. I used a gripping beast spear arm and some green stuff as a replacement (this was done back when I got the figures - there are Aragorn and Theoden, also with missing arms floating about to be painted). Not too bad a job job on this version of the famous wizard, might start painting some more Lord of the Rings stuff.

The other reason for the Gandalf quote is that Steedo and I went for a wild camp and hike out on the moor this week - although I will have to confess to getting lost …. Took the wrong path from Norswothy Bridge, I knew it didn’t seem right, but decided I was, then compounded the error by not orientating the map before take a “check” bearing, which I fudge to make it fit the ground … not good at all, I should know better. 
Anyway the hike was really good (Steedo will have to confirm this …). 
Friday afternoon/evening saw a mist walk from Princetown, around to Fogintor, Kings Tor and Ingra, then over around Sharp Tor and Leather Tor, through the woods north of Buritor reservoir and up onto Sheeps Tor to camp for the evening - the Wayfarer Chilli and Korean beef getting a thumbs up. Steedo had also brought some port as a rather nice night cap. 
Wednesday morning started with more mist, we headed down Sheep’s Tor with original intent to then go over Down Tor (some nice views from there, bottom right picture), but decided head back (woodland picture top right) to Norsworthy bridge (which is where the navigation errors occurred, adding an hour plus …) and up to Crazywell pool (bottom left). We followed the Devonport Leet to Older bridge then back over South Hesery Tor and back into Princetown for a will deserved pint at the Prince of Wales!
A really nice little hike with places to extend and challenge yourself if required. Thanks Steedo for your company!



  1. Thanks Morts! This was my first time wild camping - great chat, great challenge, and as you say a well deserved pint at the end - what more could you want?

  2. You didn’t go full brokeback mountain then! 😂
