Saturday 26 September 2020

So I did it! 40k Recruit Edition

 So I did it I bought the new Warhammer 40k recruit edition starter set. It was a bargain at  £25 quid including p&p.

So what to you get in the box? Well obviously a quicker and better selection of pictures can be found on the Games Workshop site. However I am impressed - a very glossy intro to the hobby, instruction, rule book. Dice - always need lots dice. Some rulers - same type of thing that they put in the Mortal Realms magazine. A game mat that is the right size for Kill Team  - so that is useful.

The sprues for 6 Space Marines and 11 Necons  Should be fun adding the Assault intercessors to my little Argonauts force - would be nice to get hold of a mini 40k rule book as I think that there is a small version of the game in there- called Combat Patrol. All I would need is someone to have an army to fight. 

So I have a Necron(/Cylon) Kill Team to paint now - going to try spray painting them and then highlighting, so might turn a bit pants as I haven’t tried this before. Also going to use red for the power colour rather than green. 

There are rumours that Kill Team might be revamped in the next year or two, so that it can include some of the new models which have come out. 

Thursday 17 September 2020

Deathwatch - Primaris

 Can’t believe that is nearly a month since my last post! Back to work after lockdown at a new employer, so it has been busy. Also been cycling into work - get the exercise done on the way to and from work. 

I have finally finished off the Deathwatch Primaris for Steedo. 

Intercessor Sergeant with bolt rifle and power sword. 
Intercessor with stalker bolt rifle. 
Reiver with pistol and combat knife. 

Not bad conversions - black is a pain to highlight. Now will start on the extra couple of intercessors and reivers for my Argonauts chapter - seriously considering getting the new recruit edition of 40k for the assault intercessors and the lieutenant. Then I’d have 4 squads of 5 Primaris - a small force. 
I was also thinking the Necrons would made a suitable force for Sylon. 
I have managed to get hold of some more Skitari rangers - so they will be getting a transonic arquebus added to their Kill Team. 
