Saturday 28 October 2017

DBA 3 - Game Report

Well the last game of DBA we played was in September 2015 .... Which is a pity as it is a good game. 
DK popped over for a quick game of DBA 3 ... It wasn't quick as we hadn't read the rules and chatted a lot while playing - in fact we thought this might have been our first game of DBA 3 (it was our second). 
This time it was DK as the Camilian Romans versus my good self as Syracuse. The Romans were the attackers and for the first time we used the Littoral waterway rule allowing the me to put 2 units in reserve (nice). 
The initial deployments and end of the first turn. 
The game started very slowly for two reasons : 
1 We were trying to get an advantage with the Bad Going protecting the flanks. 
2 Both of the Generals were on the opposite side of the battlefield (the hill)  to where we did the most of the tactical moves - now costing 2 pips due to the distance. 

The light troops clash on the waterway side of the battlefield. The generals face off by the hill - which is all they did for the entire game. 
First blood to the Romans as they took out the psi, but this was balanced with aTriai eliminated. 
With two elements destroyed on each the game was in the balance. 
The battle lines continued to clash backwards and forwards especially over by the waterway and woods. I kept managing to break up DK's battle line but was unable to score enough to kill an element!
Then DK would roll a good pip dice and move everything back!
A flank attack on a lone element of spears ....
And a frontal assault on my artillery (which had already repelled one attack) were enough to get the final two elements DK need for the win!
I have to say I really enjoyed getting DBA to the table once again - the game plays well and makes you have to deal with all sorts of tactical choices. The game felt very close and but for some dice rolls I could have won. 
There is something nice about the simplicity of a 1 vs 1 game (although this can be teams) which doesn't make your head hurt like the 3-5 player games where you have to worry about if I do this what will X,Y and then Z do (I thinking Risk here).


Half-term break.

Well the half-term break started very well with a 12 hour gaming session about DK's to celebrate another step closer to 50. A number of games played including Rhino Hero, Codenames, Table football, Capital Lux, Red Planet, Concordia and a couple of games of pool at the local. The main event was the 11th game of Rsk Legacy (only 4 games to go) which DK won, as a birthday treat. I haven't won in ages and have been the player who attacked in the last three games for the win - got to change the strategy. 
Had a good 12 mile hike around Exmoor (mainly in the rain) where we saw a majestic stag - sorry no picture as  my phone was in my rucksack. 
Also got some painting done but namely the bedroom and ensuite ..... But managed to squeeze in some important stuff in the form a Reaper Bones Purple Worm .... Ooo er misses and some Dwarf Spears.

Got to varnish and base now - got to decide if I do the dwarfs on 20mm squares or 25mm rounds. 


Wednesday 11 October 2017

Trying to get things done.

Work is busy as usual but I am trying to find time to paint stuff - although this is difficult to do at times. 
In recent weeks I have completed my 10th Abbots Way walk across Dartmoor and I have reports to write soon. 
I have managed to play 7 Wonder Duel and win a game at lunchtime at work. Although this was a test game so weather it really counts I done know.

Painting wise I have prime coated some Dwarfs, Skeletons and Zombies .... For Frostgrave, Dragon Rampant and Kings of War fun - although playing a game would help with the fun element as well.
I have managed to get some werewolves done. 
2 Reaper Bones and a metal North Star Frostgrave mini. Not a bad job on these - got some basing to do now! More for the forces of the undead!
