Tuesday 23 April 2019

Battlestar Galactica - a late game report!

The whole collective gathered at Steedo's 5 nights ago for a play through of the classic treachery game of Battlestar Galactica - with the Pegasus expansion (and probably a couple of other extra bits - just because we like to challenge ourselves. The colonials having only once before won - the Cylons winning on the several other occasions. Steedo picked Apollo, DK was Tigh, Sylon Hotdog, Snake-eyes Commander Adama (Admiral) and my good self Zarek (el President). Cylon cards were dealt and the game was a foot.
The first turn threw up a fairly easy check - which we inexplicably failed - there was some treachery already - was it Snake-eyes, Sylon or Steedo ..... Only time would tell.

The game moved on with us generally passing tests and getting closer to earth - the Cylon fleet board was always a concern but we managed to just stay ahead of any attacks and we're lucky that only one heavy raider was activated all game. New Cylon cards were dealt and as I was not happy with the fleet management I took the decision to bring the military and civilian branches of government together with Tom Zarek as Supreme Leader (sounds a bit Cylon ...) Admiral/President, which did turn out to be an almost good move, as Adama (Snake-eyes) revealed himself to be a Cylon and attempted to thwart the plucky colonials .....

However the Cylon fleet activated and caught some of the civilian ships in the open unprotected by Apollo .... Causing the fuel and something else go to zero and it was the end of the road for humanity! This was when Steedo revealed his sneaky and duplicitous nature of being a Cylon.
So another win to the Cylons - aka Snake-eyes and Steedo - who claimed to have only Cylons from the second dealing of cards. I had my suspicions of Snake-eyes hence my taking of the Admiral card, but Steedo put a lot of miss direction Sylon's way (name doesn't help), but he didn't put up enough of a counter case!
So to pay back Steedo's deviousness a picture to show he can't pour a pint .... Perhaps the Cylons signs were there along.


Wednesday 10 April 2019

Kill Team - Dropship .... Rebuild

So I have spent a few hours on the Dropship - making skids and reassembling the tail fins.

The fins are cut down from the originals - I think there were 4 on the original model but I only had 2 which were damaged and a tail fin from the F16 kit which is now a crashed fighter. 
The skids are made from sprues and wire and some white milliput - a little sanding might be needed. I and planned to get some acrylic rod and tube so I can make a flight stand - the tube projecting the same length from the belly as the skids, so that it would support the model in "landed" use. 

Lots of terrain and basing to do now. 


Tuesday 9 April 2019

Kill Team - Terrain Update ...

So after a rather slow couple of weeks I have made a bit of progress with my Kill Team terrain - style wise it is in line with Starship Troopers so it can be multipurpose. All these need a bit of filling and bases sanded.

Top right - objective markers. Top left are tops which can be put on the buildings for a bit of variation. Bottom small building.

We have a downed ground attack jet (any passing a resemblance to an F16 is due to it being one!). The bottom right is a Dropship which I picked up very cheaply on Fleabay - planning to put skids and rebuild the tail.

This is the workshop/power centre for the base/outpost - plenty of tidying up to do on this.

The command building - top with one of the toppers. I have put some "plates" on the front of the building since I took these pictures.
I have also added to the large "land-pad" making it in to drilling rig - but I forgot to take a picture of it. So I have plenty to do - not including the actual decorating I ….. or should I say my "better half" has planned over the next couple of weeks.

Still have to finish the barbarians …… but I can't motivate myself for them at the moment.
