Saturday 27 January 2018

Zombies .....

A quick post - managed to finish some Zombies. 6 more to go for Dragon Rampant/KoW - but ready for Frostgrave and other skirmish games ... When they are based etc.

Trying to do a post a week. 


Saturday 20 January 2018

Bloody Risk!!

So the collective arrived a Steedo's for the 12 game of Risk Legacy. The key thing was not let Snake -eyes win - as he already had 4 wins and another would make his lead virtually unassailable lead (15 games in total - player with the most keeps the board). 
So we go through the draft process and place troops and start the game. 
DK with the muties in North America, Snake-eyes in South America, Sylon in Africa, Steedo and the bringers on Nuclear Fire in Europe and myself Down-Under. 
There was quick expansion for all - only for an event card to wipe out about 5 of my troops and my continent bonus! Curses!
DK and I were plagued with some dire dice rolls through out the evening meaning that we had to use nukes early to ensure that we got resource cards. Of course Steedo and Snake-eyes were tooled up with plenty of nukes! Which they would use later ....
The initial game looked like Steedo was the front runner, controlling Europe (including the world capital and had named the continent), so a concerned effort went into stopping him. DK wasn't creating a solid base for the muties with Snake-eyes and Steedo chipping away at him. 
Then shock horror I had an opportunity for a win - cash in my cards for a victory point and make a mad dash for Sylon's (held by Steedo at the time) and DK's capitals .... Took Sylon's but Snakes-eyes used nukes to prevent me take DK's (poor dice didn't help). So near .....
Then the next bloody event card took out my capital so I lost a victory point ....

The game continued with Sylon going after everyone apart from DK ... Who was mercilessly eliminated after managing to be involved in losing an attack on Snakes-eyes where 5 ones were rolled by the pair of them! Truely a poor night of dice rolling!
Snakes-eyes then cashed in 10 resources while still holding a nuke to reveal the final part of the box!
And ten more troops were added to Snakes-eyes forces .... Like he need more troops! The alien island was place in the mid Atlantic and strangely created a bridge between China and Madagascar (through the Panama Canal!). With this mighty force Snake-eyes went for it but came up short .... Now was my second chance at victory Madagascar was quickly taken then I went for DK's old capital ... Only once again to run out of troops at the gates ..... Annoyingly if I hadn't taken as many troops to Madagascar and IF I'd cashed in my resource cards I'd have bloody won the game. I then had to watch as Sylon and Steedo made feeble attempts to win weakening my defences, so that Snake-eyes could claim this 5th victory ......

So did we throw the game? 
I don't want the stupid board anyway - I am looking forward to it being on the cloakroom wall at Snake-eye's home in time for the next Twilight Imperium.


Thursday 18 January 2018

Army of Gondor

Today I present my first army showcase. 
This is the completed Gondor (Numenoreon) army from the Games Workshop range based on the Peter Jackson movies. 
The units are designed to be used for the Games Workshop game of Lord of the Rings, but with the cunning use of sabot basing it makes a Horde of the Things (HotT) army. The units are 12 for infantry( 6 for the Rangers) and 6 for the cavalry also making them ideal for Dragon Rampant. 

Heroes and the Cavalry
Boromirs, Denethor, Elendil, Isildur and Faramir. 
In HotT terms 3 bases of Knights and 1 of Riders. The Aragorn the King can just counted as the leader rather than a hero depending on the scenario. 

Ranged troops - not a lot more to write to be honest. 

Heavy Infantry
Spears and Blades in HotT. 

I do need to do some work on the sabot bases (grass and bits of wood/stuff) and the infantry flags require finishing off - but I needed to tidy up the painted area and I wanted to post something. 
When I can I need to get Gandalf (both Grey (2) and White - mounted) and Strider (foot and mounted) to get more options. 

A bit of rebasing of Sauron's and Gil-galad's forces is on the agenda. 


Tuesday 9 January 2018

Twilight Imperium - 4th edition

There was a mass exodus to Snake-eyes place at the weekend for the 2nd annual Twilight Imperium game - this time using the 4th edition. An early(ish) start with a customary Fully English on the way to Snake-eyes at around 11am. 
Races were picked randomly, with the option to chuck in and then get a 3rd random choice - DK managed to get the Hacan (trading space cats Yellow) .... Again! Everyone else got something new.
Sylon The Universities of Jol-Nar (Purple), Snake-eyes had The Arborec (plant people I think, Green), I had the The L1z1x Mindnet(Red). To b honest I can't remember what Steedo (Blue) and the Princess (Black) were playing. 
After races were picked seating was randomly allocated and the game was afoot at about noon!
(Just before opening the first mini keg!)

The initial placement gave DK and myself the best space around our home systems to expand into. Steedo and Snake-eyes were very poorly served with their starting points. 
Early positions - DK with the trading Hacan went into an early lead with Sylon supporting his rise. 
Myself and Steedo were nipping at their heels - Snake-eyes and the Princess were struggling to get started. 
The fleets are growing larger ....
War is coming!
The red mass of my War-sun and Dreadnoughts and my high point. Well at this point I was on 8 victory points 2 away from the 10 needed for a win. Sylon was also on 8 and DK and Steedo were on around 5/6. Snake-eyes had finally managed to get on the score track by this time. 
The end of game board - Sylon on 10 points then DK, Steedo and myself on 6 point each, then Snake-eyes and the Princess a little way behind. So not a bad effort for about 12 hours of gaming!

So how does TI4 compare to TI3 - well it is quicker! Well we ended the game with someone actually scoring 10 points which is a first (although I missed out on the first few games). The secret agendas and the restocking of them help game play along - indeed Sylon won with a cunning use of a secret agenda. We were able to get on with the public agendas pretty quickly (unless you were Snake-eyes), my error was not scoring a couple of easy ones earlier in the game (as in the last game I should have been more aggressive with the race I had). The promisary notes were a good addition to trading. We found the cards helped move the tech advancements along pretty well - and easier to follow than the "tech-trees" of TI3. Overall an improvement on TI3 and a good if long days gaming. 

Many thanks to Snake-eyes for hosting and DK for providing the transport!


We also managed to sneak in a game of "Secrets" (pretty good, if a little random - I had no idea what I was by the end, Soviet, CIA or hippy), "You are not alone" (a game to far - perhaps it will be better on the next play) and "Who's in the bag?" (A guess the name game, which Snake-eyes and I won, so it must be good). 

Tuesday 2 January 2018

Welcome to 2018!

GHappy new year to everybody!

Well the new year has started with 2 units painted - ready for varnishing and basing!
A unit of 12 dwarf pikes for either Kings of War or Dragon Rampant ( to be honest I'd finished these on the 30th or 31st but didn't want to contradict the last blog of the year, so held off!). 
A unit of 12 Gondorians (Numenoreons) from the Lord of the Rings - all plastics. There are 13 but one is the standard bearer for the archer unit. Quite pleased with the use of archer arms from the Conquest Games archer set. 
Just have Elendil and Isildur to go for to first off the Gondorians - on the painting table!
Hopefully done this week!

I do have to go through the collection to cull out the unused and unwanted sometime.

Must mentally prepare for the annual Twlight Imperium session - with the chaser of Risk Legacy at the weekend. So a couple of light weigh games .... Where are the proper heavy weighs like Rhino Hero!
