Saturday 27 May 2023

The time vortex - aka Dreadnought

The weather in dear old Blighty has turned rather nice, so that has an impact on painting and modelling time. Also it has been the better half’s birthday in the last week, so that has taken some time away too.

As I rescue the second hand Redemptor Dreadnought I am discovering that it is a time vortex. I had to remove and refit the lower part of the cockpit (fitting in a bar to hinge it) as it had been glued open. 

As can be seen in the smaller picture - the shoulder joints had so much paint on that I had to sand and scrape back to the plastic - while fitting the shoulder pouldron came off - so that will need gluing back on. The elbow joint on the same arm is a bit loose, so that might need fixing in place. The magnets have arrived so I will be fitting a couple to the lower cockpit door. The ones for the alternate weapons are quite large so might end up being visible - but the model only came with one of the joint plugs (there are 2 in a brand new kit apparently) so some fudging here was going to happen. Overall happy with the purchase, but it is going to take me longer to sort than I envisaged. 

Next post is the 400th I think, so I suppose I should try and make it longer - possibly more interesting?


Thursday 18 May 2023

Infiltrators and others for Kill Team

To be able to field a reasonable Phobos Kill Team I have put together this squad of infiltrators, an incursor and an eliminator.

The eliminator - a bargain off eBay, he will be a used as an Incursor marksman in the Kill Team.
Inflitrator and Incursor (converted from a spare Reiver - I would have like a helmeted head for the Incursor). 
The Inflitrator Helix Adept (converted) and squad Sergeant to round out the squad. I now have 15 Phobos marines from which to make a Kill Team, so that should be fun. The usual basing and varnishing not with standing. 

For the space marine force I had a little delivery today of a Redemptor Dreadnought. I was hoping to get one at the show at the weekend, but nothing about, eBay to the rescue. 

I’ll be honest it is a little bigger than I thought it would be got some repair work to do - and possibly so magnets so it can have different load outs.
That’s is meant to be it on the 40k stuff …


Saturday 13 May 2023

Legionary 2023

DK very kindly picked me up for a trip down the local show in Exe. This is the first show I’ve been to for a couple of years and was I looking forward to it - I had actually compiled at list of things that I wanted. So on arrival we scouted out the Bring and Buy - which was very good. DK picked up quite a lot of “bargains” - including 8 oldish terrain boards. After the Bring and Buy, we went around the traders to see what might catch our eyes. 

Before we perused the games we headed the cafe for a quality breakfast.

The advantage of using a venue used by the farming community is the breakfast was good!

Some lovely ToonKrieg miniatures and game using NUTS rules - all 3d printed. 

A great “toy soldier“ set up for somewhere in Eastern Europe using NorthStar miniatures. 
Loved the ship. 

The Cornish were there with an impressive Blood and Plunder set up - if we had been earlier we might have had a go - but the 2 hour play time was too much. 

Two Star Wars games - one clone wars using Chain of Command rules, the other using the Legion rules.  

A nice mid 18th century battle where you had get the supply column off the board. 

A massive 30k game was being played - lots of vehicles and knights on the table. 

The tables from the Brethren set up, a Bolt Action game and Wings of Glory airship epic.

DK and I had a good day wandering around and chatting to other gamers - I didn’t pick up everything on my list, but my haul wasn’t bad.

Pleased with all I picked up - looking forward to having a go at the Blitzkrieg game (I had looked at this a year or so ago as a Christmas pressie).


Monday 8 May 2023

Some more Reivers for Kill Team or 40k or Something …

 I have now finished off the last Reivers for my Phobos Kill Team - and small 40k force of space marines.

A Space Marine NCO, as I had one extra miniature than I actually needed for my 5 man squads. I probably would have liked a better paint job, but as I was painting him with the rest of the miniatures, so possibly a little rushed. 
The newly formed VIIIth squad - the 2 marines at each end were part of the IXth squad but were transferred (with a literal change of transfer on the knee pad), so that both Reivers squads have a grapple launcher and a carbine. 
The new members of the IXth squad with grapple launcher and carbine. All that figures need some tufts which I hope to pick up at the show at the weekend. 
I have to paint up the infiltrator/incursor/eliminator squad to complete the members of the Phobos kill team (and obviously complete another 5 man squad of space marines for the force I have mission creeped. 
I plan to get a dreadnought for the force - hopefully it would be a playable force in the soon to be released free 10th edition of 40k - otherwise they will be playing Xenos Rampant. 


Saturday 6 May 2023

A late write up - Raiders of the North Sea

On the May bank holiday Steedo invited the collective around for a game. Only DK and I could make it and because I was knacker from the big event on the moor, I had asked for a quick game. Steedo had asked for Raiders of the North Sea.

An early doors picture of the game - great components. I really like this game it is has a simple place a meeple do the action, then pick up a meeple do the action -  although DK was struggling with this for most of the game, needing reminders to place first. Steedo got a good engine running and started raiding early. I seemed to get expensive crew cards and didn’t decide on a good strategy…
The end game Steedo (red) way out in front, then DK (blue) a solid game and sadly me in last place! I enjoyed the game but my usual game of going for the offerings never got going - there were a lot of Valkyries in the early raiding areas (by the time I started raiding anyway), but I didn’t have cheap crew to expend, so I couldn’t get the commodities and could replace the crew quickly enough. A fun evening - thanks to Steedo for hosting. 

With the big moor event over I have managed to start painting again (well 1 evening) - I have some Phobos marines I’d like to do before the show next Saturday - which i am really excited for (I have been to a show for ages. Hopefully I’ll get another post of some minis up here before then.
