Sunday 21 June 2020

A few Heroes .....

So in between the Argonauts being done I was working on 3 Viking heroes by warlord games which I was given for my birthday and 3 very old Runequest figures I have had on the painting queue for years ....

I still have to varnish and finish off the bases - but I thought I would show them off. 
The Vikings could be used for SAGA and the Runequest figures could be adventurers in Sellswords and Spellslingers (or more likely they will sit in the painted cabinet for years). 


Thursday 18 June 2020

The Argonauts Space Marine Chapter.

The Argonauts Chapter were founded as a Primaris Chapter as part of the Ultima founding, from Ultramarines gene-stock with no mutations. 
They are a fleet based Chapter with 6 vessels - most damaged as the chapter is always questing. Searching for artefacts to support the survival of the Imperium of Mankind. Due to this the chapter is used to standing alone against many enemies and is under strength, continually moving about. 
The Argonauts have a hatred of Orks, who are regarded as barbaric destroyers of artefacts from the Golden Age of mankind in the sectors  the chapter have been operating in. The chapter has also run into issues with the Adeptus Mechanicus as their teams search for ancient technology, which had lead to exchanges of fire. 

The Veteran sergeant and intercessor from the 4th Squad. 

Intercessors with Auxiliary Grenade launcher and Auspex (again from the 4th squad)  
The sergeant and an intercessor of the 7th squad. 
7th squad intercessors - one with a stalker bolt rifle. 
The reivers of the 9th squad. 

So there is the very over powered (in teams of miniatures, rather than potency) Primaris Kill Team force. I have enjoyed painting this lot (in various sessions) - a now wish I had picked up some “Greek/Spartan” kit to really give them a proper Argonauts look ... in fact I am currently struggling against gaming “mission” creep, as another 3 intercessors could be used to make a couple of heavy weapons and a lieutenant ... and while I am at it I would want a couple of reivers so that all squads had 5 minis each - I could see a move to a small 40k force. 
Must fight the mission creep ....


Tuesday 16 June 2020

Kill Team - Nearly finished Space Marines

So apart from some transfers (which are in the post - I couldn’t face trying to paint the marine types on the shoulder pads), with a bit of a push I have completed (Tuffs and varnish to be added as well) the additions to my Argonauts Space Marine Chapter. 
The Auxiliary Grenade launcher and Stalker Bolt rifle. 

The veteran sergeant. 

Will post the whole team when the transfers arrive and applied. I might even try and come up with some background fluff. I must stay strong and avoid buying another 2 Reivers and Intercessors so I have 3 complete squads. 


Friday 12 June 2020

More Space Marines - distracted again

So recently DK and I have nagged/persuaded Snake-eyes to get some ranged attacks for his Dark Eldar (Drukhari) Kill Team - which he has done (I think he has sent the minis to DK for assembly and painting). Any way this got me thinking about how I buff my Kill Teams. 
The Adeptus Mechanicus could do with perhaps another Ruststalker/infiltrators, but I can’t see any cheap (or individual) models on eBay. 
The Imperial Guard - I’m not sure I need any more (unless i could get some more plasma guns). 
But I did have some spare Primaris Intercessors - I was going to sell these on but hadn’t got around to it - but if I was going to use these I needed to do some conversions, otherwise I’d just end up with 3 intercessors with bolt rifles. 
So checking the Kill Team lists I found that I could get a stalker bolt rifle (36” range and a ap 2 iirc) and add a auxiliary grenade launcher (grenades now have a 30” range). 

A rummage in the bits box found a sniper rifle, so I cut off the sights and end of the barrel. An Imperial Guard grenade launcher was cut down and stuck the bottom of a bolt rifle and green stuffed. 
Then the sergeant - in the bits box I found a sword - so with some wire and green stuff I cut off the rifle and put on a power sword. The pointing left hand had a bolt pistol added. 

I think he looks a bit like a lieutenant - but he will be the veteran sergeant. 
Already started painting then in my Argonaut Chapter. 

Will get back to the SAGA, Orcs, 15mm stuff ....


Friday 5 June 2020

Earth Elementals ....

Well a while ago I bought a couple of Nolzur’s Marvellous Miniatures earth elementals to support my Kings of War Dwarf army - however I really needed 3 models, so after a few months of pondering (thinking about buying more) I decided to make my own ... couldn’t be too hard.
Part1 - initial frame of milliput. A little small.

 Part 2 - bulking out the frame. Shoulders aren’t quite right.

Part 3 - More bulking out and changing the head position. 

Part 4 - base coat of dark earth. 

Part 5 - Washes of black, brown and green applied. 

Part 6 - Initial dry brushing 

Finished elementals (apart from the grass)
 Picture of the backs

I am pretty pleased with these paint jobs and the green stuff and milliput home made elemental, who fits in with the other two. Another package arrived in the post recently few more dwarfs ...
