Monday 22 June 2015

Also painted

Finished these as an Warhammer/Lion Rampant unit. 
Just think if the flag needs a bit more .... Might see if there is a transfer lurking about to make it more interesting. 

Might be a new mayor Leowine for Linden Way ......


Basing - dealing with duplication Part 3

Well I finally got around to playing with the laser cutter at work!

The office now smells of burnt MDF! Pretty pleased with what I have produced 😃
Need to make a few more things but I think most things are covered.

Warlord sabot base for SAGA (probably not legal - an elipse 60mm by 48mm) with my Saxon warlord and standard bearer.

The rest of the "frames" are 80mm by 60mm, with various combinations of 25mm circles and 25mm by 50mm "pills". Suitable for SAGA, OGAM and making armies into HoTT forces 😃

Berserkers modelling a 4 figure base. 

Saxon Heathguard with axes (and 2 others) on a 6 figure 2 rank base.

Next up Gondorian/Numenorian Cavalry on "pill" bases.

I noticed an error in my design while getting the pictures ready - on the 2 rank infantry bases the "space" between the circles had been cut out due to the design. Initially I though this could be a problem for the aesthetics but unusually for me I saw an opportunity! 

Mixed cavalry and infantry bases - useful for Heroes (and their hangers-on) in HoTT.  

The plan is to have some "blanks" to put in. 
I also have frames to take 25mm by 25/50mm rectangular bases. 

I need to do a couple more types - 2 "pills" on a base (the same for rectangles) and 3/5 circles on a base for light troops/warbands. 

Hopefully I will get more use out on the stuff I have already painted - always good!


Saturday 20 June 2015

The beer fest is over! Got some painting done.

Well the beer festival is over for another year so I can get on with some important ..... Well umm err painting.
First up for Maurice/Ga Pa Russian Horse Grenadiers. Only got the command figures in the picture - not sure if Horse Grenadiers carried a standard, but it will make the unit more interesting on the table.

For SAGA/OGAM, Lion Rampant and any other rule set Viking beserkers - these are old Grenadier Barbarian miniatures by Mark Copplesone (two with head swaps from the Gripping Beast plastics). I haven't painted these as well as I wanted, but I think they will have to do. As for using fantasy figures I believe there is some debate on if they were real. 

Also from the old Grenadier barbarians the Viking's shaman. 

Varnishing and basing to do. That's it for now. 
