Saturday 20 June 2015

The beer fest is over! Got some painting done.

Well the beer festival is over for another year so I can get on with some important ..... Well umm err painting.
First up for Maurice/Ga Pa Russian Horse Grenadiers. Only got the command figures in the picture - not sure if Horse Grenadiers carried a standard, but it will make the unit more interesting on the table.

For SAGA/OGAM, Lion Rampant and any other rule set Viking beserkers - these are old Grenadier Barbarian miniatures by Mark Copplesone (two with head swaps from the Gripping Beast plastics). I haven't painted these as well as I wanted, but I think they will have to do. As for using fantasy figures I believe there is some debate on if they were real. 

Also from the old Grenadier barbarians the Viking's shaman. 

Varnishing and basing to do. That's it for now. 


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