Saturday 30 May 2020

More mischief arrived

So the package from QRF arrived with rubber roads - latex which I might have been able to make myself if I had some latex (I have soon thickener somewhere but none of the stuff itself). The roads are ok, but could do with some trimming - I went for the approximate 1” width as this is good for 15mm roads and works for 28mm tracks. I reckon good enough value for money and a bit of a time saver (might buy some more or try making some in the future).

Also got some SYW light troops for my Imagi-Nations Maurice armies - As my armies are actually early 18th Century, they don’t have proper light troops, but for made up forces it would be nice to offer them as an option. The Bavarians have some Austrian lights , the Saxons some Hanoverians, the Swedes are using Prussian and the Russians have got some Turks - but these look like the Cossack figures .... I will have a look at the light troops uniforms for the actual nations and try to do a sort of homage to them.


Tuesday 26 May 2020

Another little package arrived in the post

So another little package arrived in the post - this time some Reaper miniatures to provide back up for the Dwarf forces in the form of a priestess (either to buff the artillery or the Earth Elementals), an elven witch (to buff the elves funnily enough) and an Achilles (in the style of the Troy movie) for the Greeky stuff - I've wanted this figure for a while so looking forward to getting some paint on. 

Unfortunately in some ways the weather has been great over the last few week so that has put a stop to much painting - done some gardening ....

Friday 22 May 2020

A small package arrived .....

With some of the money from the Lord of the Rings clear out - I have reinvested in a new period for me! World War 2 - with the battlefront complete starter set in a box - HIT THE BEACH.

At just over £30 (From Firestorm Games - delivered in under 24hrs!), I think a bit of a bargain.
11 tanks (8 Shermans, 3 mark IVs), 2 guns, 90 infantry, a bit of scenery, dice (20) and a set of rules!

I am actually thinking of using the Airfix battles rules if I am honest, but I might give Flames of War ago.

Not totally sure when I will get around to starting this new period, but 15mm seems a much better scale for armoured warfare than 25/28mm - I can use some of the early 18th Century buildings and stuff, which is nice.
Got a couple of other things in the post, which I will show when they arrive.

No more figure buying for me - apart from 3 Wargods of Olympus Demigods when Black Pyramid get some stock in! Also I have spent a fair amount of the money raised from the clear out on a dropper post for the bike and the better half’s birthday present. But I’d also rather like to get a couple of extra units for my fantasy human army (another cavalry unit and a 2 handed weapon unit - but yet to see the figures for the job at the price point).


Thursday 21 May 2020

A few more old Orcs

So after a bit of a lull in painting I have managed to finish off a very old C series Orc leader. I really like this figure (he could be a leader for the Ral Partha Orcs HotT armies), as he is stylistically Roman - ish.

High fantasy - but a classic figure.

Also finally finished the crew to my Acland’s Monstrosity Orc War machine.

I will do a finished picture later - although not sure that it and its crew will end up on eBay as part of the clear out.


Saturday 9 May 2020

The great CORVID-19 Lord of the Rings clear out!

Mainly because I haven't posted much recently (and re-basing lots of Orcs and Uruks), I thought I would post the Lord of the Rings collection which is hitting eBay .....
12 Mordor Orcs - Hand-weapon and shield
10 Orcs with 2 handed weapons
4 plastic Warg Riders.
6 plastic Wild Wargs
4 Mordor Uruk-hai and an Orc captain.
8 Uruk-hai with pikes
9 Uruk-hai with swords and shields
4 metal Warg Riders - based for HotT
A war Troll coverted from the metal Isengard model
6 High Elf (Noldor) cavalry - converted from riders of Rohan (apart from the Knight of Rivendell in the centre).
12 Noldor Spearmen - all metal apart from some press moulded shields.
12 Noldor archers - 10 plastics from the Last Alliance box and a couple of metal command figures.
More on versions of the the Riders of Rohan into Men of Gondor Cavalry. An Aragorn the King being used as a commander of some sort .... perhaps even the King.
A few more with swords and bows.
12 plastic Men of Gondor swordsmen.
8 Men of Gondor Archers - I was pleased with the standard bearer conversion.
9 Men of Gondor spearmen - 3 metal the rest plastic conversions.

I am pretty sad to be parting with this lot but I haven't used them in years - originally planned as HotT armies to fight DK - I think the elves had a couple of outings back in the days before the blog - pictures lost in the mists of time. This posting is so that I can look back at what I have had. There are a number of figures which I don't have a record of .... nevermind.

I haven't got rid of all the Lord of the Rings stuff - I will endeavour to post pictures of the survivors of the cull. Some were kept to be able to play the actual GW Lord of the Rings and to support Kings of War armies (unit of 12 wood elves - still to see paint).

Hopefully some of the proceeds will be reinvested in the futures!

Stay safe!
