Saturday 30 May 2020

More mischief arrived

So the package from QRF arrived with rubber roads - latex which I might have been able to make myself if I had some latex (I have soon thickener somewhere but none of the stuff itself). The roads are ok, but could do with some trimming - I went for the approximate 1” width as this is good for 15mm roads and works for 28mm tracks. I reckon good enough value for money and a bit of a time saver (might buy some more or try making some in the future).

Also got some SYW light troops for my Imagi-Nations Maurice armies - As my armies are actually early 18th Century, they don’t have proper light troops, but for made up forces it would be nice to offer them as an option. The Bavarians have some Austrian lights , the Saxons some Hanoverians, the Swedes are using Prussian and the Russians have got some Turks - but these look like the Cossack figures .... I will have a look at the light troops uniforms for the actual nations and try to do a sort of homage to them.


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