Wednesday 17 August 2016

Another Beast of War, Kings of War

Well I have painted up the second nelly (elephant) for my Kings of War Kingdoms of Men forces. 
Here are the two elephants together! Take that the forces of evil!

The shading is darker and better on the first nelly... Nevermind, painted and based ready for battle!
Also painted up (and converted) human crew for war-machines. A bit more firepower!

Pretty pleased with this lot - hope to get them to a battlefield soon. But the elves have another competition game first.


Saturday 13 August 2016

Painted and a short report

Well I have painted some Frostgrave objective marks and an old bound coffin, all of which are useful in lots of games!

Last night Snake-eyes, Steedo, DK (although we are thinking of changing alias to the Shambler) and myself got together for an end of the world zombie apocalypse RPG - although it is probably more of a scenario playing game as we are ourselves rather than a made up character. There was an interesting way of creating your stats - you have 16 points to spend across 6 traits (in 3 groups of 2) and then you vote on if you think people had over or under rated themselves. You also had to come up with 3 strengths and weaknesses. This caused a good deal of thought and and merriment as we did this. Then we got started and things slowed as we got to grips with what we would have and how our loved ones had got to "safety". Anyway Snake-eyes had to leave early (he has a trial promotion and has to be up early 😜). But we have a plan for what we do next ..... Go wild in the country, where the snakes in the grass are absolutely free .....

We then played a quick game of Alien Encounters (where DK lied about game length, but then he can't tell the time 😜). Steedo played a blinder managing 13 points at the end compared to DK's and mine 2nd placed (or joint losers/last) points total of 4 each ..... It is an interesting game and l will get better at it!


Wednesday 10 August 2016

Well I haven't used them in years .....

I've had this unit painted for ages, but I have decided to sell them on evilbay... Sorry eBay.

Nice figures - but they don't fill a role in the army list for Warhammer or Kings of War - I could have changed the swords for spears .... But that is more work and stops me getting something new and shiney..... I would like some other units for my elves to be honest (such as Drakon riders .... But what a particular model for those or Forest shamblers) so they probably wouldn't get a look in!


Saturday 6 August 2016

Competition - I was robbed!

I entered the village hall flower show cookery competition!
5 chocolate chip cookies and a weetabix loaf. Look pretty good in the picture don't they?
Taste good too!

Weren't even placed ..... Was robbed! Was it rigged? 
I'll be back next year!


Friday 5 August 2016

A damn close run thing! 1st competition report.

I took my Elves to the club first the 1st round match against Ian's Orcs. 
Both armies were 2000pts - my Elves had a Dragon, regiments of Guard,Stormwind Cavalry, Archers (2 of these), a horde of spears, 2 mages, 2 bolt-throwers and an Army standard plus a number of magical artifacts. 
Ian's Orcs consisted of 2 each of the following hordes of ax, regiments of gore riders, Godspeakers (with magical artifacts), Giants (yuk!) and a regiment of great ax and a Krugder. 
For the competition we picked a random terrian card - I liked this but not the card I picked! To much blocking stuff for my archery! Ian didn't have any shooty stuff!

The initial line up below - with the heavy cavalry facing each other!

The Orcs advance across the front - allowing a devastating charge by the Elves!

The Orcs advance some more .....
After losing one regiment of Gore Riders the Orcs get their revenge on the Elven Knights!
With the demise of the Knights - an arrow and flame attack takes out the last Gore Riders - almost leaving the flank open!

The Giants stomp up and down on the Archers!

The Elven Spears and Guard take on and destroy an Orc Horde! This was a vital combat as if the Orcs had held then the Spears would have had a Horde of Trolls in on their flank! 

But the win meant that they could turn to face!

The Trolls waver preventing the Orc Horde getting in the fight ....
The Giants finish off the Archers and a Bolt Shooter and then have a go at the army standard bearer .... Who holds on! The Spears kill off the Troll Horde!

On the other flank the Elves finished off the Troll regiment and are about to kill the Orc great ax regiment .... It was looking rosey apart from the shortage of time!

The final positions - the Giants and the Horde had finished of the last Elven units on the right flank - a standard bearer, a Mage and a bolt shooter hanging in there. The cavalry in the form of a dragon, Mage, Archers and some cavalry just couldn't  get there in time!

A really close battle 1040 pts to the Orcs and 1035 pts to the Elves - a draw in game terms 0.25% difference! A victory requires 10% difference by starting value (200pts for this game). 

I learnt a lot from this game - the light cavalry is very useful for getting around the flanks. The turning point for me was when one of my troops of light cavalry was routed with only 2 hits after getting around the flank! Not only was it worth 145pts to Ian, it would have probably killed a Godspeaker (100pts to me!). The heal spell can be effective - although my Mages weren't rolling well! In my last game the bolt-shooters were brilliant - this game against the Giants they were meh .... I really needed them not to be meh ....
The terrain made the game very challenging possibly better for the Orcs as their tactic was to get into melee ASAP. 

The same Elven army goes out again for the next battle in the competition. 

An enjoyable evenings distraction! Thanks for the game Ian. 


Thursday 4 August 2016

Shrek! Ogres everywhere and not one is green!

A bit a dedication to my big brother who back in the mists of time got into Warhammer a bit ang bought lots of Ogres - this was back in 2nd Edition days long before GW created the Ogre Kingdoms!

The original set my brother bought was Golgfag's Regiment of mercenary Ogres - the box he got had the standard in it .... So after a bit of hunting I picked up the ogre himself off eBay ....

Here he is front and back - I have tried to match the paint scheme as much as possible with the 5 I already had.
Here he is leading his Ogre Horde for Kings of War. 

Anyway GW then produced Golgfag's OTHER Regiment of Mercenary Ogres (sculpted by Jes Goodwin) so my brother bought a set of these, this time with the new version of Golgfag in it. 
Again this left me with the problem of having only 5 minis - another trip to eBay got another member of the rank and file (the musician and standard were too prices for me!).
Below is the OTHER regiment (horde) with the newbie on the right (again I have tried to match the scheme and style I was painting in at the time!

As a birthday gift this year my brother got me the Grokagamok from the Kings of War range which I am still in the process of painting ......but I did paint this old bad boy up instead! Makes a good warlord (or proxie for Grokagamok while he is still being painted). 

Below the Ogre army - around 600 points in Kings of War terms - but with Giant pushing a 1000!
Very useful to add in as allies in other armies!
