Saturday 13 August 2016

Painted and a short report

Well I have painted some Frostgrave objective marks and an old bound coffin, all of which are useful in lots of games!

Last night Snake-eyes, Steedo, DK (although we are thinking of changing alias to the Shambler) and myself got together for an end of the world zombie apocalypse RPG - although it is probably more of a scenario playing game as we are ourselves rather than a made up character. There was an interesting way of creating your stats - you have 16 points to spend across 6 traits (in 3 groups of 2) and then you vote on if you think people had over or under rated themselves. You also had to come up with 3 strengths and weaknesses. This caused a good deal of thought and and merriment as we did this. Then we got started and things slowed as we got to grips with what we would have and how our loved ones had got to "safety". Anyway Snake-eyes had to leave early (he has a trial promotion and has to be up early 😜). But we have a plan for what we do next ..... Go wild in the country, where the snakes in the grass are absolutely free .....

We then played a quick game of Alien Encounters (where DK lied about game length, but then he can't tell the time 😜). Steedo played a blinder managing 13 points at the end compared to DK's and mine 2nd placed (or joint losers/last) points total of 4 each ..... It is an interesting game and l will get better at it!


1 comment:

  1. Things will soon speed up, with lots of encounters coming ! Looking forward to Playing Alien Frontiers again, lots of paths to victory, however James stealthily stole the lead and we had no way to stop him. Shame about no 'end game' moving of colonies 'shenanigans'in the last game.
