Sunday 11 September 2016

Third and final competition games

This time I was up against the Toymaster and his Dwarfs!
I made a couple of poor tactical decisions from the start - I put the the dragon out on a limb to try and get around the flank and behind the dwarves, but just succeeded in taking it out of the game for 2 turns. The elven archers were initially out of range. I also let the Toymaster have the first turn .......
The first two moves - The Toymaster managed to waver two units on the first turn I gave him!
I also had to move the archers forward to get in range which weaken the attack - however the archers did rout a regiment of shieldbreakers .... Things might be ok. But this left the Brock riders undamaged. 
The elf Knights charged a regiment of Brock riders and only just failed to rout them but this left them exposed .....
Over in the centre the elf spears and archers managed to waver the dwarfs in front of them - but the dwarfs headstrong rule meant that the dwarfs could ignore the waver rule and so they were flanked an routed!
The elf guard had done significant damage to the remaining Brock riders but again failed to rout them so they were ridden over!
The final turn - the dragon flame attacked and routed the last regiment of shieldbreakers and a Mage fireballed the last Brock riders .....
The final scores were the elves had killed 1000 points of dwarfs and the dwarfs had killed 1335 of elves! So a good win for the dwarfs - in fact apart from a bolt thrower the elves only had the dragon and characters left!
The elves were doing damage but I wasn't rolling high enough to forces the routs! The headstrong rule was a pain as two  dwarf units were able to charge the elf spear .... I might invest in some new dice as my blues don't seem to be working nor do the bolt throwers for that matter!
At the end I finished the competition with 2 draws and a loss - 5 points and in bottom place! But I enjoyed the experience and had 3 interesting and challenging games against armies I had faced before! 


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