Saturday 19 June 2021

Unmatched and Chaos in the Old World

So after a bit of a hiatus the collective (minus Sylon) reconvened at DK’s for a game session. 

While we were waiting for Tony the Tiger to arrive Snake-eyes had brought over Unmatched - Battle of Legends for a try out. So after a quick rules explanation we cracked on with myself versus DK as Medusa and Bruce Lee respectively. Steedo and Snake-eyes played with Big-Foot and Sinbad.

The game is card driven with lots of synergies with the text and actions on the cards. Each turn you pick two actions make the moves and play the cards from your hand. Each deck of cards for the various characters (others include King Arthur and Alice of Wonderland fame). The 3 actions are manoeuvre (pick up a card and the move), play a Special action card (the actual name of which escapes me) or fight.

Medusa has 3 harpy counters which she can use to attack her opponents and the special rule of dealing 1 damage if you opponent is in the same zone as you at the start of your turn - ouch. Bruce’s special rule was he can make an extra one space move at the end of his turn.

So DK and I set down the battle - I used the harpies to try and corner Bruce in a zone but not adjacent to Medusa. I think I did this fairly well. After about 30 minutes Bruce was no more and Medusa had only taken 2 hits (but the harpies had been kicked about a bit). By this time the Tiger had arrived - not having eaten so DK organised pizza and I tried quickly explaining the rules. Then we cracked on with another game - this time I had Bruce Lee and Tony had Medusa. This game played differently from the first as I tried chasing the harpies to kill them off and Tony initially was cautious with Medusa. I think the cards fell better for me than for DK as I had multiple actions from them (ie play a card and it’s text says have another action) - also had the one inch punch card which allowed be to kill off the harpies and get the card back. But try as I might Bruce was again turned to stone by Medusa (she seemed very tough, possibly the easy mode) - but I managed to put 9 hits on her.

In summary Unmatched - Battle of Legends a really good asymmetrical game that I enjoyed (would even consider purchasing it!), plays well, simple rules, nice artwork and good quality miniatures (worth painting). 

We then set up Chaos in the Old World a game DK has had for years and loving painted - I think I have played it once, Steedo, Snake-eyes and DK 3 or 4 times and Tony the Tiger was new to the game. 

Then there was an intermission for pizza and for us to get in the right seating order to play the game.

Snake-eyes was Khrone, DK was Nuggle, I was  Tzeentch, Tony was Slaanesh and Steedo was Skaven.

After a fair bit of bimbling we worked out how to play (but not in my case how the game works so that I might win) - spend points to play one action put down a figure (only in territory adjacent to where you already have a figure) or cast a spell (in any territory). We got through the game fairly slowly - checking spell effects. Tony cleverly read the rules and key things on his faction card so he knew how to get victory points and movement on the power dials - genius (I didn’t … and consequently didn’t score any points for the first 3 or so turns!).  The game turned into a race for 50 victory points between Snake-eyes and Tony the Tiger - one of the highlights being a confident TtT rolling 5 dice needing 4, 5 or 6 and managing 4 ones and a 3, the briefest hint that someone could catch him - the dice gods were against him.

But it wasn’t to be Tony the Tiger comfortably won with Snake-eyes, DK, myself and the Steedo trailing in his mercurial wake. Thrashed by the game newbie. A good game I think I might need to do more prep for the next game (or take more notice of what I need to do on the faction card). 
DK did mention that we should play this again (I think 7 years ago was mentioned as the last time we played Chaos in the Old World), but the question will be when especially as most of the group have a insatiable Kickstarter habit for the new, so games get an outing, then something new is brought to the table. 

A splendid evening’s entertainment, so thanks to DK for hosting. 

A game of Kill Team with Bazza next week. 


1 comment:

  1. A good evening, nuggle probably more correct then nurgle 👍😁
