Saturday 26 June 2021

More Kill Team - Trouble in the Imperium

So last night Bazza came around for a game of Kill Team. Bazza used to play 40k twenty odd years ago - so this was a reintroduction into the 40k universe and nerd-dom in general. Bazza picked a Space Marine (used to play Ultramarines), with a auxiliary grenade launcher, stalker both rifle, leader with power sword, a standard intercessor and a couple or reivers -one of which was a sergeant.  I went for the assault oriented Mechanicus team which was soundly thrashed by Steedo’s Deathwatch a couple of weeks ago.  

We played the Open scenario Break the Lines - with my objective to get my figures off Bazza’ send of the board. His lib was to stop me. 

The Ad-Mech’s starting positions. 

The plan was to rush forward with everything apart from the ranger with the big gun, who would shot stuff from a far.

Above the Sicarians and Skitari scuttle forward …. A wound is put on a Reiver. But a wound is put on a ruststalker. 

Bazza puts a charge in the centre with his leader and Reiver sergeant - this turned into quite a fight. The ruststalker and vanguard getting flesh wounds on the marines (but annoyingly I couldn’t roll high enough to put the marines out of action!).

On the other side of the battlefield one Reiver was blocking off the advance on the other side by a couple vanguard including the leader and an infiltrator - by the end of the 5th turn I finally put him out of action - after 2flesh wounds had been inflicted … this seriously buggered up my plan. 

Back on the other side the marines took out the ruststalker stalker - but were tied up up a single vanguard who survived 4 shooting attacks with pistols and 14 melee attacks with combat knifes and power sword before eventually being overwhelmed - having already sustained 2 flesh wounds … a true hero of the machine god!

By the end of turn 3 I had managed to put flesh wounds on 2/3 of the marines - but Bazza had managed to put 2 of mine Out of Action (OoA) and flesh wounds on a couple of others - we both passed the morale for that round. 

Turn 4 progressed both of us hitting the others troops but the saving throws undoing all that effort. Unfortunately at the end of the turn I failed the morale test and the team was broken and one of the skitarii was shaken - and we were going to be playing turn 5! 

It was going to be tough turn for the Ad-Mech!

The pictures above show the end of the game - the valiant vanguard had prevented the marine leader and Reiver sergeant getting back in the game, I had final kill off the Reiver who had been blocking 3 of my figures in melee, but on the other side I was down to one ruststalker versus 2 marines …
Fortunately the dice roll put me out of my misery by ending the game … I hadn’t got a single figure off Bazza’s start line. An 8 nil thrashing…
Obviously I let him win to encourage him to play again…
I really enjoyed this game actually very close - I managed early on to get some of the marines down to 0 wounds, but I couldn’t roll high enough to put them out of action which was frustrating (I think I put 12 wounds on the marines but only put one OaA). As for the objective - the table was cluttered so it was difficult to get lines of fire for the transonic arquebus. We also played the table long ways - so a narrow battlefield, if we had played with a wider field it would have been difficult to get the choke points. I should have also sacrificed a troops to screen off Bazza’s troops in true blitzkrieg style. 


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