Saturday 24 August 2024

Kill Team - A 4 player game

The good lady said I could have the nerds, sorry the collective over for a game on Friday night, as she was going out. As it turned out she got her dates wrong, so I might get a game in next week as well.  The volunteers for the evening were Steedo, DK, Sylon and Snake-eyes, so what to play? I did think about Valhalla, with expansions as it plays 5 and then I thought I paint all of this plastic and metal, we will play one of those games.  After some deliberation I decided on 4 player Kill Team, with me as the umpire. 

The table before arrival - 7 teams available. Not picked were the Space Marine Phobos, Ad Mech and Chaos Space Marines (with cultists).

A dice roll of for teams lead to:

Steedo - Necrons (Deathmarks and Warriors)

Sylon - the Blooded (Traitor guard)

Snake-eyes - Space Marines (Intercession squad)

DK - Craftworld (Dire Average and Rangers) 

The objective was to pick up victory points on the markers - with 2 points on the marker on the centre.

Sylon deployed first and had initiative for the first turn - and moved out towards the Necrons and the Eldar - taking the opportunity to shoot at the Necrons (not very effectively) only to suffer with some heavy return fire - which was much more effective. Steedo silver robot men then took out the Marines leader - left out in the open (those Deathmarks are a bit tasty). There was some revenge firing, but not enough to kill a Necron and in frustration the Marines lobbed a grenade into a crowd of Eldar causing much annoyance and retaliation from DK! However Snake-eyes did score a victory point at the cost of a marine becoming a bullet magnet. The turn ended with Snake-eyes in the lead with 1 point. 
The second turn saw another grenade lobbed at the Eldar and the sacrifice of 2 more marines for 2 more victory points. Sylon’s Blooded picked up 2 points, but were taking causalities from Steedo’s Necrons. DK’s Eldar got a point as well and DK got increasingly frustrated by my rulings on Line of Sight. I have checked the rules an on the whole I was right and in fact Snake-eyes should be aggrieved as his sniper should have counted as obscured, as the secondary lines from the Eldar attackers would have crossed heavy cover which the marine was within an inch of - will have to check the LoS rules for the next game. At the end of turn 2 the scores were Snake-eyes 3, Sylon 2, DK 1 and Steedo 0. 
Turn 3 saw the marines down to 2 operatives but still taking a point, the Nercons slowly marching forward and collecting 2 points, the Blooded taking hits from both the Eldar and Nercons, but getting a point. The Eldar had lost 4 operatives and most of the rest were wounded - Nil points. More importantly it was the jockeying for position for the final turn. 
Turn 3 the scores were Snake-eyes 4, Sylon 3, Steedo 2 and  DK 1. 
The final turn saw Snake-eyes pick up a point and DK kill the Nercon leader so he wouldn’t be able to get to the centre objective marker (worth 2 points at the end of turn) or collect a point at another marker - this would be key. Steedo picked up another 2 points for the Necrons. The Eldar leader was shot - again stopping a rush for the centre objective, but DK was again frustrated by not being allowed to shot the Blooded Enforcer, as he was in engagement range of a Eldar ranger, only for Sylon’s Blooded leader to be able to shoot into the same engagement, due to a faction ability - “Callous Disregard” - this allowed the Sylon’s leader to move on to the centre objective and then the Enforcer to move onto the other objective and pick it up. The turn 4 the scores were Sylon 6, Snake-eyes 5, Steedo 4 and  DK 2. 
The end of game scoring gave the following final standings Sylon 8, Steedo 6, Snake-eyes 5 and  DK 3. The taking out of the Necron leader cost Steedo at least 2 points and also Sylon a clear run on the centre objective. A good win for Sylon, (who like Snake-eyes finished the game with only 2 operatives left on the table) which I hadn’t seen coming, as the Blooded are a little bit fragile with low wounds (7) and a high save (5+).  
The evening was good fun, with plenty of banter but possibly not the best game to play with effectively novice players. Perhaps we should have played 2 separate games with me umpiring both? There was a lot of downtime between players turns - again time was lost with me having explain rules (especially Line of Sight and putting order tokens down), however Sylon and Steedo did get on with a number of combats by themselves. With 4 players the initiative was very important as, too early meant that your operative could be exposed with no way to retaliate or too late and operatives being taken out without getting to take their actions (the marine leader). 

Anyway it was good to get the toys out and get them used 


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