Tuesday 17 August 2021

Space Marines - Assault Intercessors

The Assault Intercessor from the Recruit Edition of Warhammer 40k Starter starter set I pick up last year.  The starter set set was picked up for the figures - Necron and Space Marines for Kill Team. In a fit of activity I have managed to finished these within a year of purchase - must unusually for me!

Generally pretty happy with these (basically done, apart from a few tuffs on the bases). The extra ridge on the right shoulder pad caused the rams head to be a bit more difficult to paint. 
The Space Marine's also have a Lieutenant to lead them (if only I had the Commanders expansion). 
So my Space Marines now have 5 squads and a leader - so possibly a combat patrol sized force (I am not sure if they should have some fast attack or dreadnought) - although I am thinking of selling my copy of the 40k Core Book as there is too fluff in there - would consider the smaller version of the book as a replacement. I am planning to have a go with these in Xenos Rampant.
As I picked up the Pariah Nexus I have the data sheets for all the marines I have (except the hellblasters!). I plan to have add an assault intercessors to my marine Kill Team.

Now talking of Kill Team, there is a new edition coming out at the end of August, and I was planning to get a copy, as it had some interesting new mechanics and wasn't just a skirmish version of the 40k (although that isn't necessarily a bad thing). The new version uses Fire Teams to make up the Kill Team - The Fire Teams seem to have to be of one type of trooper - so the Ad Mech needing 2 Fire Teams  could have a Skitarii Ranger Fire Team, and a Vanguard Fire Team or any combination of Skitarii or Sicarians. Unfortunately the rules for the space marines mean that they only get one Fire Team, but no longer can this be a mix of Reivers, Intercessors etc. - It could be all Reivers or all Intercessor or all Assault Intercessors. Not in my opinion a nice team mixing up elite troops .... Well you probably can when the new special set with new rules comes out in the future for the various factions. 
So I have decided to pass on the new version of Kill Team at the present time.

I have also finish the Oathmark Human cavalry - Rangers.

These have already seen action in a solo game of  Dragon Rampant (where they were wiped out!).


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