Sunday 20 October 2019

A Half Century for DK

The collective gathered to celebrate DK's 50th birthday, in a surprise gaming day organised by DK's better half. The day started with myself, Sylon, Steedo and Snake-eyes heading up the 'Shill to watch England beat the Aussies in the rugby World Cup quarter final - a cracking start the the day!
Then off to DK's to secretly set up a game of Tzolk'in - the Mayan Calendar.  Then we waited for the birthday boy!
DK's wife duped him in to the Annex and he was duly surprised and equally disappointed by the lack of bacon sandwich and the fact that his "planned" birthday game session for a fortnights time was just a ruse ......
Then we started drinking ..... Well DK started on the 6 1.5 litre bottles of Lambrini we had got for him  and a game of .... Umm I can't remember but I think it was a pirate themed game sourced by Snake.
Then we started playing Tzolk'in. We had watch some play throughs, but the rules appear rather daunting. The game is a rather clever placement and the retrieval game. With moving cogs too make the placement and retrieval even move challenging. The objective was to collect corn, climb up the temple hierarchy, collect gold, stone, wood, crystal skulls and build stuff with the resources......
As implied by the name of the game (well the calendar part anyway), timing and planning is everything in this game. I have to say I had little of either in this game. I was briefly second, but this tragically didn't last, as I didn't have a clear way forward and ended up not being able to feed my workers so lost my victory points. However Sylon was on top form as the picture of the final standings on the board.

DK had done a top job of doing up the cogs, as always.

Tzolk'in had taken about 3 and a hall hours and a whole bottle of Lambrini by DK - after packingWe then started the second game - Quartermaster General: 1914.
This a area control, card management game for 5 player (which was convenient), which 2 players (myself and Snake-eyes) representing the Central powers and 3 (DK, Steedo and Sylon) representing the Entente powers. Again DK had done a nice job of the playing pieces - although the base colours were a little difficult to spot and differentiate. This is a really clever game with all the major events of the Great War covered - the cards could be used for attack and defence bonuses. I did struggle with which cards I needed to "prepare", so they can be used in battle and attrition. Especially as the Austro-Hungarian had a number of cards which only provided defence in certain areas - so when I thought I had defence cards they couldn't be used due to location limitations. DK was well oiled with Lambrini by this point and had a rather assuming turn, where he forgot what he had done and Snake-eyes trying unsuccessfully explain what he'd done, only to then run through the turn again ... We had a break for a pub tea and more beer!

On our return we concluded QM: 1914, with a result a repreat of the real war. Overall a really smart game, with many challenges. You really need to know the deck you are playing with and consider the areas you are going to focus on or that the cards direct you towards.

After a brief discussion we played a game of Skulls - which again I took an early lead only for Sylon to win in the end.

A cracking days gaming to celebrate DK's half century and an impressive amount of alcohol consumed by all but especially DK - about 3.5 litres of Lambrini and a larger top!


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