Thursday 2 June 2016

Kings of War - We Are HOBGOBLINS! Battle Report!

I trundled over to to club with the mighty Hobgoblins (Orc in KoW) terms to face off against the Boy Wonder (the Toymaster's son, who runs his own business before I get grief for picking on a ten year old. It was his 4th game of KoW) and the undead. 
The Hobgoblins had 2 hordes, 2 regiments, 2 troops of skulks , 2 god speakers (wizards), 2 bosses - one on a Wyvern, a regiment of gore riders (read wolf riders) and a horde of Ogres and Ogre Warlord as allies.  
The undead were the same that had defeated my elves a few weeks ...months ago!
I also took over the Aldi roll of grass! Which looked good - certainly better than a white table top!

The Hobgoblins had the first move and advanced - holding the heavy cavalry and Wyvern in reserve. 
The skulks on the left caused a few hit on the balefire catapult. 

The end of the first turn from the other end of the table. The undead advanced and took the bait of a regiment of hobgoblins presented on this flank! The zombie dragon and wrights attacked and destroyed the most advance unit below!
The zombie dragon and its vampire master were however flanked by the Wyvern and the Ogre horde attacked the front! Over to the right the ogre Warlord, a Hobgoblin boss and the other unit of Skulks make short work of the Wrights!
Over on the other flank the hobgoblin hordes continue their advance destroying the werewolves - however the zombie horde is causing problems for the remaining hobgoblin regiment (the mighty Throgs Hobgoblin Despoilers of the Dark Lands for you with memories which go back to Warhammer 2nd edition and the First Compendium). 
The undead attack again - cavalry and the lady Ilona on the hobgoblins right and the ghouls, skeletons and zombies on the left. On the right the skulks are routed and the hobgoblin hero taking significant damage! The zombies meanwhile continue to press - waver the last hobgoblin regiment. The hordes just soak it up!
The hobgoblin turn - saw the destruction of the catapult (by a troop of skulks!) and the skeleton cavalry smashed into fertiliser by the ogres and thr Wyvern - the start of the undeads turn left the lady Ilona in the situation below!
She saw off the Hobgoblin hero - but only rolled a 1 in the after melee phase! Leaving her rather exposed .....
The following saw her brutal demise! 35 attacks - crushing strength of 2s and 3s. Revenge of sorts for me as she was a right pain against the elves. 
Over on the other side on the battlefield the zombies had finally seen off the mighty Throg - turned to get a flank attack on a hobgoblin horde! Only to show there at to the wolf riders who duly charged it (48 dice!) across the ford! While the other hordes dealt with the  ghouls and skeletons!
Below the remains of the undead army - the lich King, a Necromancer and a regiment of skellies! A total of 320 points left on the table. 
The Hobgoblins only lost 1 troop of Skulks, 2 regiments (all bought as speed bumps anyway) and a hero! Only 425 points off the table! A crushing victory! Certainly crushing strength helps a lot! Also a couple of poor tactical decisions by the Boy Wonder - allowing the zombie dragon to be flanked early and taken out meant he lost a lot of tactical flexibility. The full turn of the zombie horde thus presenting their rear - having forgotten the ford - was a nice fog of war moment for me!

A really enjoyable game - played with plenty of humour. As a good evenings entertainment Kings of War is up there!

My hobgoblins are now undefeated in 4 or 5 battles where as the elves are yet to win a battle. Looking at how the game plays the crushing strength is a big bonus for the Orcs (hobgoblins in my world). The elves elite is useful but a bit like in Warhammer the elves can hit things but struggle to hurt them. Next time the elves are out more fire power is needed. 

There was some talk at the club of the summer competition but which army to take - which I might play in if the dates are right. 


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