Thursday 16 June 2016

Kings of War ........ It's all gone horribly wrong!

Well I took the undefeated Hobgoblins to the club and played Big K's Herd (beastman) army. I wonder if you can guess from the title how it went?

After the Hobgoblins first move - trying to avoid being on the receiving end of the first charge.
Good use of blocking terrain to protect the flanks of the hordes. 
A troop of Skulks on the receiving end of an epic charge from a couple of monsters. The result was never in doubt! Squished Hobgoblins .....
The Hobgoblin charge didn't do the damage I was hoping! Snake-eyes doesn't help. My dice rolling didn't help my cause very much!
Too cautious with the Wyvern! A regiment of Hobgoblins go for the monsters ....
The Herds counter charge! It hurt a lot - the other unit of Skulks (on the right) were routed and the regiment on their left wavered! So much for the might Throg! The horde on the right had a unit of harpies in their flank!
The Wyvern finally got in on the fighting - routed the chimera only for my spectacular dice rolling to turn the result over ......
The Minotaurs finally despatch the horde hold the centre. Things aren't looking good....
On my next turn the Wyvern left the Chimera so it could kill the Brutox (giant beastman) with the Gore(wolf) Riders which they did .... The Godspeaker (wizard) was left with the task on getting one hit on the Chimera which should finish it off ..... No damage done in 9 attacks!
Over on the right flank the harpies were despatched by a fireball from the other Hobgoblin wizard! 
But the final Hobgoblin horde did little damage against the remaining Herd horde ... The Hobgoblin hero needing 3 or more to hit managed this ......
Bloody Yahtzee! 
Sums up my dice for the game!

Anyhow I was truely beaten by Big K, but as much as I'd like to blame the dice for the performance I have admit that the main cause of the defeat was MY poor deployment!
If you recall the last game my army contains a horde of Ogres .... Who are conspicuious by their absence from this battle report - dumped out on the left flank as I tried to match the frontage of the Herd army they didn't get into combat! So for all of the game (the Ogre hero managed to get involved in 1 combat) I was fighting without 20% of my force. 20% which could have done a lot of damage.

In retrospect I should have gone for a narrowed frontage with the regiments on hanging back protecting the flanks of the hordes smashing up the centre .....

A good win for Big K but if really shows how tactical Kings of War can be! The Hobgoblins have now lost their unbeaten run .....

Perhaps the elves will be able to break their losing streak .....


1 comment:

  1. You should get a dice bonus for having painted figures!
