Wednesday 23 December 2015

Star Wars - the force awakens - my thoughts

Well I got to see Star Wars - the force awakens last night. 

So for what it's is worth here are some of my thoughts on it.

1- did I enjoy the film? Yes I did thank you very much.
2- did it pass the numb backside test? Yes it did. It moved along at a good pace.
3- did I enjoy it? Yes - fits in with the Star Wars we all know and love.

The new and returning characters were developed and you cared for them - remember Peter Jackson characters you care about drive the story not big set piece special fx! Still narked how PJ managed to not make a good version of the Hobbit - I think there is a good film in there just needs editing, I digress. 

So it is a good film, but ....... Something was missing from it.

There wasn't anything new in this film to the Star Wars universe - it followed the same basic story as the original - even some of the ship scenes came out of 1977 (but with better special fx). Some of the plot twists were similar to those employed in Star Trek into darkness - changes of character, dark having doubts/worries of going to light. 

For all of the prequels failings and there were many they did expand the universe and how things worked politically - the big picture. In the force awakens set 30 years after the fall of the empire there is talk of the New Republic, the First Order and the Resistance. 

Now I know that I am massively over thinking this but after the fall of the Empire there would be chaos across the galaxy far far away - lots of peoples carving out their own bit of space in the aftermath - this is only 50 years or so since the clone wars and the Rebellion would have struggled to manage a smooth transition as it had been fighting the Imperial military for a number of years - or did most of the old imperial commanders just sign up with the Rebels and the New Republic? If so they would have lots of imperial kit.

So as I see it the First Order are a gang of old imperials trying to restore the empire - the Resistance are a front for the New Republic to fight the First Order. But I am guessing, so I personally think a bit of background development would have benefited the universe development... But perhaps they were worried about repeating the errors of the prequels.

Anyway go a watch it - it is a good film.


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