Saturday 12 December 2015

Battlelore - first game for me!

DK brought over his nicely painted copy of Battlelore. 
Took a little time to set up but I enjoyed  it. A nice cross over between a boardgame and a wargame (could be a nice diversion from all those computer games for you and the boy bro!).
The setting is Fantasy Flights Runebound world - which appears similar to the Warhammer old world. 
If I am honest l'm not that keen on the Chaos demon thing but I am obviously in a minority - I like the Knights versus barbarians thing. 

The game flowed well with the orders/action deck dealing with what units did what - no order no action - which was a little frustrating at times, no doubt the intention of the cards. These cards could be used in conjunction with the lore cards which allowed you to act in the others players turn or buff up units for an attack.

The purpose of the game is to get 16 objective points to win. You pick your objectives and the terrain on your side of the board and your opponent does the same using cards. The points are scored every turn so getting your objectives holding and knocking you opponent off theirs is the key to victory - something I didn't really grasp in the game we played so even after starting first I ended up chasing DK for points until he won :(
I did kill many more of DK's troops - which should be worth points so a moral victory to me :)

Overall a good game of that I'd like to play again, which also (with DK's painting) has some of the spectacle of a wargame - and certainly not beyond the wit of man to make some 3D hills etc for it.


1 comment:

  1. Looking forward to playing again, keep an eye on the objectives is the key to this game!
