Sunday 27 December 2015

Santa has been!

Well this is my gaming haul this Christmas!

To be honested I picked and probably paid for these but it is nice to get some stuff in the Christmas pile. 

I have read both Kings of War and Dragon Rampant which both seem to be good games, which I look forward to getting them to a table. 

I have managed to get the Better Half and Thing 1 to play The King is Dead, which appears to be a clever and subtle game - with different strategies to get a win. Unfortunately my opponents didn't seem to get the subtleties of the game (although Thing 1 did win!). I really want to play this again as it appears that it plays quickly and with lots of sneaky ways to win or lose. 


1 comment:

  1. Oh dear - well done to thing 1!!
    I got some games too, looking forward to zombicide - 2016 ...... Still to many games and not enough time . New Years resolution to paint more, and complete a 5-4-3-2-1 , playing netrunner 5, puerto Rico 4, power grid 3, zombicide 2, Arkham horror 1. Volunteers welcome !!! Also .... Gotta read 12 books before Xmas 16
