Saturday 10 October 2015

All quiet on the blogging front.......

Well it has been very quiet on the gaming front recently, hence the quietness on the blog - nothing done since the DBA3 play through, not even fixing damaged figures/elements front the ham fisted DK's attempt at running a combined arms Macedonian army ...... 

Until Thursday night when DK and I managed to get a round to Steedo's for a chat and a game of Arctic Scavengers! I do like this game but I am rubbish at it DK won again - building lots and managing to dig lots, so he won the masons and gearheads bonus cards. Steedo won the Pharma card .... I won Nothing! So the new strategy not to dig as much really didn't pay off. So after two games I still don't have a winning strategy..... I think that by reading the rules (background fluff) DK has a distinct advantage .....

Friday night saw a game of skittles - team came second ... Steedo's fault 😜

Any I was trawling the web and found Mantics - Warpath Kickstarter 

These are interesting for 2 reasons - you get 2 rules sets, one a massed battles set and another set called Firefight - which are in line with Warhammer 40k. Now unusually I watched a Beasts of War video on the rules for massed battle with one of the games' designers and I have to say the game that was described sounded really good fun and tactical. The mechanics involve alternate activation of units, so you can soften up you opponents before sending in close combat troops or by charging you can force unactivated opposition unit to use up the activation for a turn. I have to say I was impressed by the description of the rules. 
I am tempted by the Kickstarter... But I might wait until they are generally available.....

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