Sunday 28 July 2024

Some mischief, not managed ….

So recently I was “given” the Mantic Drakon Lord - anyway I was looking at Zombie/Undead dragons … like you do. Now Ral Partha Europe still sell the Tom Meier Zombie Dragon - which is a nice model for a very reasonable price, but because I am a bit of a cheap-skate I was trawling around eBay and came across the Mantic dragon for a very good price (including postage), so I bought it. 

Now I knew that the dragon was fairly large, but not quite as large as it is. 

So here it is - as can be seen it is much larger than the old Minifigs Dragon that the Elves currently have (it is a tad delicate). As dragons go the old Dragon is a nicer model - but the size of the Mantic one is impressive - looks like a Vhagar from House of the Dragon against Meleys.

Obviously this cheap little project immediately had mission creep - as I had to buy a Dragon Rider (I picked up a GW Dragon Knight) , which cost more than the dragon. I also should be spending my cash on a 15mm Cromwell , Firefly and British infantry. 

Oh well …


Saturday 27 July 2024

Bavarians and a few other things done.

So not quite on plan but only 2 days off, I have managed to complete the Bavarians for Age of Reason (Maurice). So 4 regiments of foot - I did these with paper flags (I couldn’t face painting the parallelograms again - also the Virgin Mary on the Colonels colour is a challenge).

The Lieb Regiment - Top. Kurprinz Regiment - Bottom. 
Then 2 battalions of the Schallenberg Regiment - I am not sure that I have actually got the uniforms correct this time. All of the command figures have reversed uniforms, but when I had the WRG book on this period, I think I only did the sergeants and drummers in reverse. 
A regiment of hussars - I did have to paint the flag on these - so a few light cavalry. 
While I had the paints out I painted some destroyed artillery markers - a couple of these are press moulded (don’t tell anyone). 
The Russian chapel/church was also given a coat of paint - I picked this up from Ironclad miniatures because it was the cheapest one I have seen. After painting it I think it is probably better suited to mid 19th century onwards, but it will do for now. 
I now have a load of basing to do (and 7 generals to paint) - the whole Saxon army and the Bavarians at the top of this post. 

Now the plan is to get a game in soonish, so I actually use these things!


Saturday 13 July 2024

Judge Dredd - Helter Skelter - a revisit

I put a game evening on the local gaming group, and the response was not massive. DK and Steedo (very late - domestic negotiations apparently), so initially I thought let’s get some miniatures to the table - a Rampant variant, Kings of War or even Maurice. If there had been 4 of us I was planning Risk - Europe, but it was not to be. However an unplanned early doors trip to the local put pay to the idea of a minis game - not enough set up time available. So off the shelves were grabbed Blackstone Fortress and Judge Dredd - DK hadn’t played Dredd (to be fair nor has anyone else for 2 or so years), so it was picked. 

We started with the base game - DK being Slaine, Steedo was Nikolai Dante and myself Jonny Alpha and the Strontium Dogs. 

Early game one with characters still to place - I think DK was making the early running, while Steedo was watching and working the game out. 

The end of the first game was a win to me with 3 tokens of reality and 2 kills - nice to get one over Steedo as he expected me to do a run for a token rather than beat up tone of his characters. However this was my high point of the night. 

For the second game DK the expansion king insisted on playing the Dark Judges. I changed to Dredd and Steedo chose the Strontium Dogs. The Dark Judges can only win by killing characters - which based on the comics is very thematic - killing a Dark Judge gets you 2 points, rather than the usual 1 for a character. 

This time Steedo was on it - I was too busy worrying about the Dark Judges who were doing a good job of killing Mean Machine and others. It certainly seems if DK would take this one, but Steedo spotted an opportunity and went for Judge Fire (I think) and took the victory - nice win. 
DK was a little frustrated, so want to play again with the same factions (I should have swapped to Slaine as the warp version might have been pretty good against the Dark Judges. Steedo was happy to go with the Dogs again. 

This time I went for a different strategy of getting all of the Justice Department on the board early, so they could swamp the others, especially the Dark Judges - unfortunately this didn’t work. I also made a mistake with Judge Giant - I should have pick up a token, when Judge Mortis moved into the same space as him, rather than move and shoot, as he was going to die anyway. Annoyingly Steedo learnt from my error - so when it happened to one of his characters, he at least got a point before death. 
This was a quick game with Steedo and myself keeping all of our characters fairly close together - I did this so I could use the group action ability of the Judges - but the cards didn’t come out in the right order. DK had also grouped his team, but on the opposite side to Steedo and myself, much to his chagrin. Steedo won this one with some quick grabs of tokens and killing Hershey and Anderson - I had a very poor game again - which I would like to blame on the cards …
Helter Skelter provided a good evening’s entertainment and makes me want to play it again - DK felt it was a bit like Unmatched, with your actions dictated by the cards in your hand. I might look to see if I can pick up some maps and/or adventuring parties from Wildlands (if your didn’t know Helter Skelter is a reskin of Wildlands), as the games are compatible.

We them spent about an hour and a half chatting before calling it a night. 


Tuesday 9 July 2024

Progress on the Bavarians

I have started the last of the 15mm Age of Reason miniatures. The Bavarian sergeants and drummers for 4 battalions and the second battalion for the Kurprinz regiment (light blue cuffs). 

This last push is going quite well - current have 2 battalions of Schellenburg regiment on the painted table - dark blue cuffs. Hopefully these will be finished around the weekend - but we will see. 

Back to the grind stone. 


Monday 1 July 2024

Light Infantry - Done

In the set of rules - Maurice, due to the fact they are really intended for the Austrian War of Succession or the Seven Years War, they have rules for light infantry. Because they also have imagi-Nations rules I thought I would get a light infantry unit for all the armies I have. 

So apart from some basing - here are the Saxon and Bavarian light infantry. Rather unimaginably red and green for the Saxons - green and light blue for the Bavarians. 

Rather pleasingly the Saxon army is finished - all needs basing now (a bit of a chore with these, but hey Ho). The Bavarians have got 4 infantry and 1 unit of hussars to do - then the 15mm early eighteenth century stuff is done.
