Sunday 16 June 2024

Blackstone Fortress - the campaign creeps on ….. slowly

The collective managed to get together (I wasn’t ill) at mine and move the Blackstone Fortress campaign on a tad further. I decide to play any characters we had used recently, so DK was Janus Draik (he really wanted to be the robot again), Sylon was Amallyn Shadowguide, Steedo was the Ratlings - Rein & Raus and I was the navigator Espern Locarno.

Tiger-King was meant to be coming along, but some DIY set off his allergies - so bailed on us. But I suppose I didn’t have to be the baddies. 

We played a combat first against the Ur-Ghul - and with Steedo’s efficient use of rhe grapling hook wizzed about the board picking up the searchable items - which turned out to be 3 of the items to make the characters inspired - so that was a win. 

The first combat - we did some good tag teaming to kill off the monsters before they could do any damage. Then we got out of there. 
The second encounter was a challenge - where DK’s character picked up a wound, but it was pretty manageable compared to some. 
The third encounter was another combat - this time against the Negavolt cultists. DK with his wound rushed forward to grab a clue - still going on about his wound and to be fair being right about a recovery roll being a character action. I rushed out to get support DK and promptly picked up 2 wounds - one being critical. Anyway we managed to fight off the cultists, grab the treasure and run. 
A this point we called it on Blackstone and had a cheese break after sort the Precipice part of the game - buffing up the Amellyn. Again we were lucky with the hostilest we faced, as although they are tough there is a limit on the number of miniatures that the explorers have to face. The masses of traitor guard generally seem to be a tougher proposition. 
I retrospect I think we should have played the next encounter, I believe we have enough clues to attack a stronghold - which is exactly what the next game will be. Although will the team be tough enough. Should be interesting. 
The cheese break was supplied by Steedo - and was very pleasant. The plan was to get Valhalla to the table, with the Valkyrie expansion. 

However, my wife came back from watching Bridgerton with Mrs Steedo and things just turned into nice chat around the breakfast bar - the box for Valhalla got to the table, but no further than that. A good evening of banter and Blackstone Fortress. 

For Father’s Day with a little help from me (and Mrs Morts) I got the following from my absent daughters - thing 1 and 2. 
Another go at getting my pallet to see if it likes whiskey - last time I was getting there. Upped the anti with single malt this time. A toblerone because you can’t go wrong with a tolberone - end of. 
A Kings of War Drakon Lord - because I liked the miniature and I am a bit worried about how the dragon model I have will stand up to play as it is pretty old - nice miniature though. 


Tuesday 11 June 2024

So bits have been painted

It has been back to work and still looking for a new job/career - basically source of income. However I have managed to finished some bits and bobs. 

A unit of Saxon cavalry - Roundway Miniatures (actually British Heavy Cavalry) for a GNW army. 

An ok job on these - not too happy with the flag, but the actual design is difficult to copy in 15mm. I will be basing the whole Saxon army when the imagination light infantry-skirmishers are painted in the next week or so. Just a few more bits to complete for the 15mm GNW are finished off. 
The final three Shieldwolf Valkyries have been completed - still experimenting with speed/contrast paints. 
Not sure they are speeding up the painting process - the speed paints. But I plan to do a whole army (celts) with them at some point. 
All done with bases completed - I think they’ll look ok on a battlefield. 

I my depressed state about missing out on UK GamesExpo, I picked up a pack of plastic cyclops by Dark Alliance - I have some of there not Lord of the Rings trolls. About a tenner for 12 minis - 3 each of 4 poses, not bad as they are the size of an ogre (mantic hero one for scale).
I would say that the quality of these is a step up from the trolls I have - sculpting and production. At least 6 of these will become monster infantry for a fantasy Greek army … and I am sure that I will find extra use for them in other games too. 

Planning a game this weekend - hopefully I won’t be ill this time!


Saturday 1 June 2024

The best laid plans ….

The better half and I have had this week off and on the whole it has been rather successful. 

Wednesday we did some gardening and now the garden looks nice and neat. Thursday we managed a 17 mile bike ride (the better half’s first real ride of the year - she does spinning, but that doesn’t count. Friday was a nice little hike around Lustleigh cleave.

The bridge at Hisley Woods - some rocks around Sharpitor. 

Hunters Tor - the view across to Easdon Tor - and the rather disappointing fort by Hunters Tor. 

Some challenging ups on this walk - over 1300 ft of elevation. But some stunning views. The Cleave Inn in Lustleigh also provided a quality baguette. 

Today I was supposed to be at the UK Games Expo, with some of the collective - I was looking forward to this, and for once had come up with a list of things/companies I wanted to see. Unfortunately over night I came down with a rather unpleasant stomach bug … so I had to bail out of the trip. Gutted!
