Thursday 20 February 2020

Dragon Rampant 3 player game

Steedo and DK came over for a game and I had chosen Dragon Rampant as a light (beer and crisps) miniatures game. I decided to play the game as a 3 player game, as the activation rules looked (from a  quick glance around the web) like a reasonable way of playing. At the start of the turn we picked a counter which decided the order we tried to activate units.
Due to the size of the table (150cm by 90cm - trying to go metric as it is a better system than imperial) I also decided that 12 strength point units would be 6 figures and 6 strength point units would be 3 figures (apart from some monsters and wizards).
The forces were Orcs (DK) - Leader Heavy foot (Orcs), 2 units of Light foot (more Orcs), bellicose foot (Trolls) and a scout wizardling. Undead (Steedo) - leader heavy foot Spellcaster (liche), bellicose foot (ghouls), 2 units of light foot (Skelllies) and greater war beasts (werewolves). I was commanding Dwarfs in their first outing in years - leader elite foot, offensive heavy foot (axes), 2 units of heavy foot (spears) and heavy missiles (crossbows).
The table was set up earlier by me roughly symmetrical, but we placed as an equilateral triangle (which caused a geometrical issue regarding the possible objective of the game).

The game started well for me with all units activating and moving forward, Steedo had a mare activating either 1 or no units and DK made a rush for dragon hill (in the centre of the table but not the deployment zones).

The game ambled along with DK getting the best of the activations, and between us destroying Steedo's ghouls. DK took out Steedo's werewolves with the help of a snakes-eyes roll with on their courage test. In the end the undead were suffering with just 2 battered half strength skeleton units and the leader left - a tough day at the office for Steedo. The Dwarfs and Orcs were still fairly evenly matched at the "end" of the game, both one unit down, but the dwarfs having virtually full strength units and none battered - but DK had been "King of the Hill" for the whole game.

The casualty is due to DK's sausage figures ..... glued back together now, which hopefully will hold for another 30 years!

This is the 3rd time have have played Dragon Rampant and each time it hasn't delivered the promise I hoped it would as a light beer and crisps game. There were slight over complications with the 2 strength points to remove a figure in most cases, which caused some brain burn. This game could have better if I had checked the set up properly and we had had a proper objective/objectives - I thought we would have a bimble about learning the rules and trying to kill everyone else's troops. We should have have also used the boast rules which have given the game a bit more purpose ......

So I'm currently thinking that Dragon Rampant won’t be making back to a table soon .... which is a bit sad as I had high hopes for a light game.


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