Thursday 19 July 2018

World of Tanks -Rush ..... Bargain game play through.

Managed to get two games played last night -.Steedo and I had a Kings of War battle (report on that later), then DK joined us to have a run through of my bargain buy of a few months ago World of Tanks -Rush. 
Now as the game was picked up very cheap and doesn't have the best reputation as a card builder expectations were pretty low (I hadn't read the rules, but had watch a play through on YouTube). 
However we were pleasantly surprised with the game. 
It played through relatively quickly and had some interesting machanics for getting victory points and ending the game. The basics were start collecting tanks (duh!), use them to defend bases, attack other players or use their special abilities. I need to use the special abilities more next time we play.  We found that to gain medals (a source of victory points) you needed people to defend their bases with their tanks but on occasions no one did .... So no medals issued that turn, but a captured base was worth 3VP. It could be frustrating watch the card you wanted disappear into the "graveyard" pile or not having the right amount or sometimes type to buy a card. The amount of cards we were collecting meant it was difficult to kept track of who had what in turns of victory points. So it was a close game 18 to me, 16 to DK and 11 to Steedo. 
The hour or so that we spent playing this certainly covered the pitiful outlay I made on the game. And we are up for another (hopefully in the near further). The downside of the game NO BRITISH TANKS! Shocking we invented the bloody things - they are in the expansion ... But my google-fu have failed me and I go can find a copy. 


1 comment:

  1. Had a look for the expansion online - managed to download the English rules but the cards don't seem to be available .... Bit disappointing, will have to check out the Works again to see if it in there cheap!
