Saturday 2 December 2017

Star Trek - line 'em and blast 'em!

We (I) haven't played Star Trek Attack Wing for ages .... But it made a return to the table - sort of like ST:Discovery returned the series to the telly - I like STD (finarr finarr), it makes Star Fleet grey and ambiguous and more interesting than some of the other series. 
Steedo and I picked 100pts each and went head to head with Star Fleet and the Klingons. Steedo went for Janeway and Voyager along with a Galaxy class and Excelsior - one good captain and a couple of rubbish ones. I went for a K'tinga, a Negh'var and a Vor'cha with middling captains and photon torpedoes!
Starting positions ...
The Klingons cloaked and the Vor'cha flanked around the planet - the Feds rushed forward - probably tweeting "we come in peace" messages ...
Which didn't last long as Janeway opened up! But the Galaxy class was put out of action in a turn! Not destroyed but the weapons were out of action and if she fired the critical hit card would be flipped - thus taking hull points to zero! The K'tinga wouldn't be able to cloak as the shields were destroyed.

A bit of fancy flying and the Negh'var is getting a bit of a slap!

Move flying about and the Voyager and the Negh'var exchange fire!

The Klingons think they have voyager in the crosshairs - but it is the Negh'var which is destroyed! 
Insert Klingon swear word here! The K'tinga is chipping away at Voyager. Effectively each side has lost a ship - all the Galaxy class can do is fly about.

The manuvering continues and the Vor'cha de cloaks to add the coup de grace on the Excelsior - the fuzzie photo is to replicate the de cloaking and is in no way reflective of the poor photography seen across this blog!

A few more a exchanges - chipping away at Voyagers hull (finally putting the Galaxy class down - an act of mercy really). Voyager also managed to take out the K'tinga - but she was an honourable ship and it was a good day to die!

The Vor'cha finally destroys the Voyager and that bitch Janeway - victory to the empire. 

It was a fun pick up game - the first time out for the voyager and the K'tinga - both need a repaint. Like most things we should play this more - some of the ship stats don't quite match the ships from the series - the Vogayer is more powerful than a Galaxy class ....
Steedo and I reckon we need to play with more cards and less ships .... Probably in another. 2 years then ...

Live long and prosper 
