Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Stuff which I have missed …

Before Christmas we had a little go at Heroquest - without DK, but because we needed to keep the campaign ticking along a spare Elf was drafted in from an expansion.

I have to say this new Elf was much more amenable to the wishes of the group and helped the team succeed in 2 quests without wandering off and causing confusion … 

Recently I have been playing with speed paints again and preparing Celts.

Regenade and Victrix noble cavalry and Renegade and Warlord skirmishers ready for paint. 

The skirmishers finished - generally happy with these, but the crusader flesh looks a bit grey - especially on the Frostgrave Wizards (these 2 may get the faces redone). I did try painting some checks and stripes  on some of the clothes before applying the speed paints - I think I need to make sure there is enough contrast between these base coats to make it work.
I get some pretty good results from speed paints sometimes and some disappointing ones on others - I will continue to practice. I have put together some Warlord Games celts - with a few spare heads from the Victrix cavalry… some look a little bobble headed. I’m sure that with a bit of paint they will look ok. 


Sunday, 19 January 2025

Twilight Imperium 2025

This weekend saw the collective’s annual trip to Cornwall for an epic Twilight Imperium game. We started in the usual fashion of getting a hearty full English breakfast at a farm shop to ensure we had the strength to endure the game. 
We rolled off for picking races;

Steedo - The Naaz-Rokha Alliance (Green).
Snake-eyes - The Yin Brotherhood (Purple).
DK - The Nekro Virus (Red).
Tiger-King - The Nomad (Blue).
Sylon - The Yssaril Tribes (Black). 
Morts - The L1Z1X Mindnet (Pink).

The board as set up by Snake-eyes - allegedly via some website to make as fair as possibl
The board with fleets in starting positions, apart from DK’s, because he was doing something … not sure what (looking at a butterfly or something), but delaying the start to the game. 
As Snake-eyes picked last he was the starting speaker - and things bimbled along as we tried to carve out are own little part of the galaxy. After about an hour or so Tiger-King, announced that he had just got his faction abilities and could we start again, as he had made a few mistakes - obviously the answer was no. After this he sort of checked out the game on and off … I don’t think he actually attacked anyone throughout the whole game. 

About 5 pm (so 5 hours into the game) - Snake-eyes had made a run at Mecatol Rex and was in quite a strong position. Sylon had decided to challenge him … the scores on the doors were DK and Sylon in the lead … with Steedo, Snake-eyes and myself on the chasing pack. 
About 8:00pm - Sylon and Snake-eyes were still duelling over Mecatol Rex, but Snake-eyes faction ability was making it difficult to get his troops off the planet. 
2230 - in the final turn, Sylon and DK had gone into the final round on 7 points, with myself, Steedo and Snake-eyes on 6 points. DK had announced that he could win in this turn, so Snake-eyes committed himself to thwarting this, with mass attacks … reducing DK’s influence to 1 below the threshold for a 2 point score, and all of us stopping DK picking up 1 trade good - although Tiger-King did wake up at this point gave Snake-eyes flash backs of last years controversial win (just ending the game by using support for the throne card - which had been removed from the game this year). 
Sylon made a run for Mecatol again, but was forced back by Snake-eyes flagship … which has a really nasty reaction to being destroyed!
I was watching Steedo, because he is a cunning player, he had got Snake-eyes to thwart DK and Sylon - I was planning to take his home world - using my faction hero’s ability - move your flagship and any dreadnoughts to any system without an enemy ship in it - Steedo’s was available … but he won’t be able to 4 score this turn ….
Unfortunately, I waited and passed, there would be another turn … then Steedo had a secret objective which scored in turn. He now had the points to score the final 3 points needed for the win in the Status phase … game over man! If I had taken his home world he wouldn’t have been able to score the public objective … another second place! 

The final board!
The score track.
Steedo -  10 points, The Naaz-Rokha Alliance (Green).
Sylon - 8 points, The Yssaril Tribes (Black). 
Morts - 8 points, The L1Z1X Mindnet (Pink).
DK - 8 points, The Nekro Virus (Red).
Snake-eyes - 6 points, The Yin Brotherhood (Purple).
Tiger-King - 2 points, The Nomad (Blue).

Overall, a good game, very close and generally played in good spirits (although DK had a couple of cross moments with Snake-eyes over some rule interpretations … but played the Virus really well). But a game which takes this much effort and time does require all players to stay in the game, as you have to account for their actions and ships. 

Welcome to Steedo on another win! 
I will continue to be the bridesmaid in this game - I think 3 consecutive seconds …


Sunday, 12 January 2025

The Battle of Chotustiz - a Maurice Game

Steedo and Tiger-king came over for a game of Maurice. Maurice is a favourite of mine and Steedo likes it (I think), and Tiger-king had been asking to play a war game. So while my wife and sprogs were away I thought it would be a good time. 

After a bit of hunting around I decided on the battle of Chotustiz - at early battle in the career of Fredrick the Great. So Prussians versus Austrians, but in this case Bavarians versus Saxons. In the real battle the Prussians won mainly with their infantry.

The boys didn’t get free deployment - I had basically set up as shown on a map, infantry in the centre and cavalry on the flanks but allowed them some redeployment. We were playing to break each army. As it was Tiger-king’s first game, I did give him more help than Steedo. 

The initial deployments - Bavarians under Von Steedo on the left and Koenig Tiger’s Saxons on the right.

The game started, with some bombardments - the Bavarians getting the best of it, breaking a Saxon foot regiment and damaging a unit of Saxon hussars. Then Von Steedo started moving his cavalry on the right flank - the Saxons steeled themselves on the top of the hill. 
The initial Bavarian charge was absorbed, then the counter charged by the Saxons swept most of the Bavarians away…
The Saxon cavalry then moved to destroy the Bavarian batteries, however their charge was hampered by some previously unknown broken ground at the bottom of the hill. Unfortunately they had to retreat down the hill, with the intention to rally and try again. 
With the cavalry engagement on the flank, going in favour of the Saxons, but Koenig Tiger unable to exploit this, but Von Steedo then advanced his infantry in the centre - partly to protect his infantry and regain the initiative. 
Both sides infantry moved forward - this broke the Saxons cavalry who were threatening the Bavarian artillery.
Unfortunately for the Saxons, there seemed to be a problem with their power as a number of their volleys didn’t to the damage expected. The Saxons morale was also ebbing away, more quickly than the Bavarians - even though the causalities taken by both sides were are about the same. 
The Bavarians continued to put pressure on the Saxon centre, but a charge did relieve some pressure.
Unfortunately for the Saxons the continued Bavarian infantry pressure broke another Saxon unit, which caused the army’s morale to crack … a win for Von Steedo. 

Well I had fun running the game and Steedo was obviously pleased with the result. However I got the impression that Tiger-king, wasn’t as keen - he said that the card mechanics were interesting, but felt that it was a bit random - which I don’t think is correct. Now I accept that Tiger-king was rolling poorly, well more accurately low when in combat/shooting, when high is good and high when low is good - army morale. The frustration was visible - but this is part of all wargames, as the dice rolls are used to manage the unknowns and imponderables which crop up in war which can’t be accounted for. 

A good evening’s diversion for two of us, but perhaps not for the 3rd. 

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Happy New Year

A little late with the seasonal greetings - but here it is, Happy New Year!

Talking about things that were a little late, Thing One’s fiancĂ© got me an expansion for Raiders of the North Sea as a Christmas present - new start method and up to 5 players (I think Steedo played a part in the gift choice). Hopefully will be playing this soon.

Last weekend my good lady and I went for a wander around Woodbury common - I managed to include the quick look at Woodbury Castle, Hill-fort. A impressive Iron Age construction - I amazes me how they were able to shift so much earth to make the ramparts, which are still visible 2000 years later!
Last night Steedo invited over myself, Sylon (or was it Steve), Snake-eyes and the BND for a game of Powergrid. It was a close run thing, but Snake-eyes won with 16 houses (cities) powered (only 15 needed), followed by BND (by 5 dollars) and Steedo on 15 powered, then myself and Sylon. A couple of things to note - don’t start in Barvaria, as the cost of linking cities is rather expensive - much better to start around Essen, which has some 0 cost connections. Also the three top placed players went into Brandenburg (red zone ) which should have been off limits for the 5 player game, but it wasn’t picked up, so they all cheated  - so a win to me and Sylon in second place, if we were playing by the rules. 
On Saturday we were planning a walk on the moor, but with unpleasant weather forecast, decided to go local - a nice little wander it was to.

There on Saturday evening we had a go at Raiders of the North Sea, with the expansion - family game, me a 4 newbies - most who aren’t really game players. Anyway we gave it a go - although some of the players were struggling with the various ways of getting victory points - the expansion adds some interesting new mechanics, with mead which adds to your strength and quests as a different way to gain plunder and victory points. Overall the game got a thumbs up, but really needs a play for people to get the most from it. A win for Thing Two and third place for me.

Off to paint some Celts in a bit.
