Sunday 27 January 2019

Motivation and Movies

I am really struggling to get motivated fo paint anything at the moment.... 
I was trying to paint some Frostgrave Barabarians and GW Chaos mash-ups as part of SAGA (very fantasy Viking)/Dragon Rampant force. When I made these I was very keen to get paint on them, but I'm not enjoying painting them now and am not happy with the job so far .....

But I'm trying to finish them off - a couple of days ago I thought I'd try something else to paint.  However when I sat down to pick something ... There was not inspiration, which is a pity as I have Space Marine and Skitarii Kill Teams to make and paint. I blame work as it has been a intense since the  Christmas break. Nothing at all to do with some heavy weekends of rugby and gaming ....
I have put some liquid green stuff on Steedo's weird trees for his Kill Team ...

Hopefully a bit of washing and dry brushing will get the painting bug going again - need a purpose to paint I think.

Have been to the cinema twice this month and seen the Favourite and Mary Queen of Scots. 
Interestingly book ending the Stuart dynasty - so a couple of historical dramas. 
What were they like?

The Favourite was well acted and interesting, but I found it started and finished in quite an abrupt way. No little filler bits of historical facts to get you up to speed or understanding the time scales - I have read a few biographies of John Churchill and one on Sarah, so I have a pretty good grasp of the political situation both in England and internationally (with the Was of Spainish Succession and Louis the XIV). In the interviews for this film - there was much made of the power these women welded (which they did), but I didn't find it that clear as the focus was on the bedroom politics (which none of the biographies I've read give much credence too), between the women. I also found the score quite grating.... I will watch it again sometime. 
Mary Queen of Scots, was more of your more classic period piece with the historical notes at the start and finish. It focused on Mary's reign in Scotland until she fled to England (with the imagined meeting between her and Elizabeth), which then rolled into 25 years later having her head lopped off. Mary always seems to be played as an intelligent, tragic but strong character - but she had to have been a poor judge of character and not quite as clever as she thought.... The ending facts claim "disputed" plot to kill Elizabeth - probably manipulated rather than an innocent victim.... But this runs counter how intelligent she is made out to be. Elizabeth is played rather well by Margot Robbie as having plenty of self doubt and lacking in some confidence..... a new take in some ways and possibly a little unfair on good queen Bess - but a little sympathy in her direction is probably due. An easier watch than the favourite. 


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