Monday 7 May 2018

Actually managed to play some games.

After many weeks doing building work - we have put two field shelters at the back of the house to use as carports. These have taken more time than to do than I hoped and there is still more to do to finish off. Anyway Steedo and myself headed over to DK's to play and couple of games. 
First up was Viticulture Tuscany - a game of planting, growing and harvesting grapes and turning them into wine.
To be honest while DK was doing the rules explanation I was wondering why I would want to play this game - it certainly didn't grab me as a theme that would make a good game. 
However the game did actually play well, with some really interesting mechanics. Getting your "engine" of how to produce the wine required some thinking about - some grapes needed trellis and or irrigation. The type of grapes you can plant are picked from a deck of cards, as are the types of wine you can sell. Mix in the fact you chose the order you go in each year causes some serious thinking to be done. As it was I managed to produce the most and best wine, but due to selling wine cards not coming out in the right order I couldn't sell any of the stuff. Also if your vines produce to much you can't make blush or fizzy wine!
So the game is a frustrating one, which Steedo won, closely followed by DK and myself in last place. 
Certainly worth a replay in the future.  
We then moved on to a semi-cooperative game with a traitor/saboteur machanic - called Saboteur, strangely enough. The aim of the game is to place cards to reach the gold nuggets.
This should be fairly straight forward - unless the saboteur breaks your tools or creates a cave in to break the run back to the start. The first dwarf to the gold gets the pick of the cards from the gold nugget - so being first to the gold does mean the game is only semi-cooperative. So with this in mind we started the first game and it was quickly apparent that Steedo was the saboteur .... But then DK to ensure I wouldn't get pick of the cards broke my pick axe .... and he wasn't a saboteur! As it was Steedo won the round (getting 4 gold). The second game when the same way, but DK at least realised that we had to work together to get the gold .... But Steedo stopped us again (about 4 gold). In the final run in DK was the saboteur, but Steedo and managed to get to the gold - for the first time, where Steedo picked up 3 more gold, and I got one. The final scores Steedo 11, Morts 1 and DK 0 (and deservedly so!). 
A good evening for Steedo. 
Next up Exeter wargames show.


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