Sunday 15 November 2015

ORC'S DRIFT - they are almost upon us ....

Been quiet recently - got a quick game of Star Trek Attack Wing (and an argument over the "cloaking" rules), a number of hands of Have At Thee and a few of Carcassone with my bro while he was over. 

But the weekend is the grand finale of Bloodbath at Orc's Drift so I thought I should muster the forces so that DK and Sylon know what they have and Steedo and Snake-eyes know what they face ....

Sorry for the picture quality and lightning....


King F'yar and his guard 

Now the Vile Rune Tribe fresh from Kachas Pass

The rich Severed Hand Orcs from Ashak Rise

The victorious Kwae Karr who stormed through Linden Way

Now the defenders of the outpost - Brommedir's Bows, Osrim Chardz Engineers and the Druid Snart and his patients ....

Good luck ......


  1. Oh dear...... you said it was going to take about 4 hours...... but I reckon 25 mins. Still heavily outnumbered I like to be the underdog! - bring on the filthy beasts

  2. We is Sooooo going to kick Orc, Dwarf & Human Butt! :¬) Game on!

  3. Well there might be some issues which doesn't make it as clear cut as you think.
    The results of the other battles have an impact on this one. Should be fun .... Hopefully......
