Saturday 12 September 2015

Mini Beer Fest!

Last night Steedo and I invited Keeno around to try aload of real ales (some a bit strong to drink alone) and con Keeno into playing a few games .... The game part was a failure as we played 2 games of coup at around midnight after too many beers ...... We first at 2am!

Anyway a good time was had drinking beers .... We were scoring from 1-5 with Steedo using 0.5s, Keeno going to 1 decimal place and I was only using integers. We need to refine the system, I'm thinking just ordering the beers is the way forward. I also think that it is difficult to score a 5 as the context of a beer can change its flavour - an ice cold larger after good walk on a hot day for example. 

So anyway here are the scores (in the order they were drunk);

Cornish Knocker 11
Waterloo (beer of the brave 8%) 6
Leffe Nectar 4.5 - personally I thought this was too sweet, it reminded me of special brew which is not a good thing! Yuk!
Ruby Rooster (Lidl) 6
King Goblin 12 - 6.6% dangerously drinkable. 
Bitburger 10.5 - the only larger in the mix. 
Tim Taylor's Landlord 11.3 
Barngates Amberside 10
Porthleven 10.5
Marston IPA 9 - the average!
Derail ale 10.9 -
Swordfish 8.3
McEwans Champion 4.8 (7.3%) 

So King Goblin was the winner - you couldn't drink a lot of it mind you. Tim Taylor and Cornish Knocker were the session beer winners.  

Avoid Leffe Nectar and McEwans (not) Champion!

Next time we will try a game in amongst the beer scoring.


1 comment:

  1. Awesome night #sorehead
    Still waiting for Hobgoblin brewery to give us a free case/keg for the advertising of king goblin....yum
    Coup not a total disaster... I believe I won both games?? What ? Me? Coup winner ..... Must have been drunk!

    Next time catan or risk from ten start
