Sunday 13 October 2024

Some Kill Team in a busy weekend


This has been a busy weekend - it has been one of the olds 80th birthday, so we have had visitors and been out a lot. We managed some games of Ultimate Werewolf, Codenames and Pass the Bomb. 

But as my nephew was staying with us, we played a game of Kill Team (over 2 days). Space Marines versus Eldar.

Initial set up below.

From each side. 
At the end of turn 1 the Marines were winning 3-1 with objectives - but due to me not reading the rules correctly had taken some serious damage. So during turn 2 he was allowed to bring on a marine back on.
The Dire Avengers were taking some damage as I tried to collect more objectives. The APL 3 was giving the Marines a move, collect objective and shoot system. 
Above the end of turn 2, the score was 5-2 to the Marines. But a number injured Marines - would they survive turn 3? I needed to wipe them out to win the game -  I operatives were too far away from the objectives to be able to score them. 
The simple answer was - but they were down to one Marine with 2 wound left … but the score was 6-3 to the Marines.
The Eldar did take out the final Marine but could only score one more objective, so the Marines won 7-4 on objectives, but were wiped out! Casualties were 7 Marines and 7 Eldar.
Hopefully my nephew enjoyed the game - certainly bloody, with a bit of a mistake in the first turn. 

A splendid, but busy weekend. 


Tuesday 8 October 2024

Been out for a walk

On Sunday I when for a walk out on Exmoor with some old geezers. 

The day started drizzly and over the course of the day got a little bit better, before hammering it down for the last half an hour of the walk. But it was a pleasant day out in the countryside. 

In other areas I have finished (well still needing varnish and basing) 5 more of the Voidscarred Corsairs (5 to go) - I’ll post a picture sometime. Obviously GW has released a new edition of Kill Team … which has invalidated all the compendium teams I have … I am not sure I can keep up with the edition schedule they have, just as I get there, bring out a new set. That’s why Maurice is good - one edition play with what you have - simples. I have also started the 3d print tanks I picked up recently, so should be interesting painting them. 


Monday 7 October 2024

Kesselsdorf - a Maurice Game

On Saturday evening Steedo came over to revisit Maurice (an excellent war game by Sam Mustafa), using the Saxons and Bavarians I had recently finished (after many years on the painting list). The scenario was adapted from the Might and Reason on Sam’s website. The actual battle was fought between the Saxons and the Prussians in 1745 - resulting in a resounding Prussian victory.  The Bavarians were being the Prussians in this game.
The map was roughly reproduced with row E and columns 1,2 and 9 missed out. The forces from the Might and Reason scenario were multiplied by 0.8 to match the figures available, giving:

The Bavarians 6 regular cavalry (1 elite), 1 irregular cavalry, 7 battalions of foot (1 elite) and 2 artillery. National characteristic - Oblique movement (probably not historically accurate, but not used much in the game.

The Saxons 4 regular cavalry, 9 battalions of foot (2 elite) and 2 artillery. National characteristic - Steady Lads (possibly not historically accurate - but as Steedo forgot to use it, not actually relevant to the game. 

Both armies started with 15 Army Morale Points.

The Bavarians (me), won the scouting roll so made Steedo’s Saxons set up first as the defender.

Initial deployments saw all the cavalry on the same side of the battlefield, except the Bavarian Hussars who were on the other flank, with 2 battalions of infantry - facing off against 5 battalions of Saxons. My plan was to break Steedo’s horse and get around the back of his position. 

The engagement started with an exchange of ineffective artillery bombardments. The battle was focused on the cavalry side of the field as I tried to force the Saxon cavalry to attack. I also moved the hussars forward to worry Steedo on his right … the only time either of us moved anything on that flank …
Which they did - and to my frustration Steedo had first blood as he broke one of my regiments. However the numbers did tell and the fact I took rally orders to remove disruptions. 
This meant that my Bavarians overwhelmed the Saxon cavalry and to my surprise Steedo moved his infantry off the hill (and away from his artillery) towards my 2 battalions on his side of the river. 
This move did destroy one of my battalions and the use of the dubious ploy of “death of a hero” left us tied on 5 morale points left each. But it also left a battalion exposed to a devastating flank attack and the Saxon artillery in a position to be ridden over! Which was the final move of the game as it broke the Saxons morale. 
The final shot of the unused flank - 5 battalions of unused Saxon infantry faced off against 2 battalions of Bavarians and a unit of hussars. 
The post mortem discussion focused on the lack of use of one of the flanks - on both I think Steedo could have used his infantry to screen off my cavalry - certainly after his cavalry had been defeated. I think I would have struggled force through on a firefight. We both ended up just focusing on one area of the battlefield (again), Steedo would have found some results by forcing a river crossing with his 5 battalions on his right. Making sure you rally troops is key and possibly where Steedo lost the cavalry encounter with multiple charges leaving his units weak. 

An enjoyable relearning game - so now I want want to set up an Imaginations Campaign - I like the idea of picking the National Characteristics for a country and tracking the army’s progress over a number of battles and wars. 


Monday 30 September 2024

Tyranid/Arachnid Overseer and some stuff

I managed to paint up the Tyranid Prime that came in the first issue of combat patrol - I have painted it black with white/blue wings to fit in with the other Arachnids I have - perhaps it should have some red or yellow bits. 

Generally happy with the painting - planning to use as an Overseer bug in Starship Troopers (I don’t really feel like painting anymore bugs … possibly some chariot bugs). 

I have also been off to Cambridge for a course for work for a week, which was very interesting. Took the opportunity to have a punting, walking tour and catch up with some family who live over in East Anglia.

A beautiful city - well worth a visit. Certainly better than the other place. 
During one lunch break a few of us had a look around a classical archeological museum - I do like the Greek stuff. 


Saturday 14 September 2024

So a little update … things sold and bought

After looking at the pictures on the blog - I sold off the Mantic dragon as it was too big compared to the other dragons I have, so I moved it on - made a bit of profit on it. I also moved on the Oathmark rules as I hadn’t played them and the units are based on multiples of 5, whereas all my existing stuff are in units of 12 for infantry or 6 for cavalry. So I will put that down to an incompatibility issue. I also sold a couple of other bits (excess 54mm fantasy and 1/72 cyclops), so the figures I have kept are even better value. 

Unfortunately this did mean I reinvested in some other stuff.

I pick up some more Ad Mech Skitari - 9 bodies and bits (I have some spare head etc from previous skitari builds and 5 on sprue but they might go on eBay at some point). 

I also picked up a Firefly and Cromwell 3d prints. 

Got them pictured here with some Flames of War Shermans I pick up in the Tank eBay bargain earlier this year. Happy with the models, scale well with the FOW stuff. Now to paint some …


Thursday 5 September 2024

Some painting for Kill Team and Maurice

Recently I painted the first of the Voidscarred Corsairs - 3 of these are Eldar Guardians with the load outs to make sure I could pick any of the Corsair options.

I went for a grey, with purple/yellow cloth - so there is some link to the Craftworld Eldar I already have. 

I have also finished the very last of the Age of Reason stuff - the minifigs named generals (which a were annoying packs as it wasn’t clear which figure was which general. 

These lads will be used as notables for Maurice - which I want to play again as I have re read the rules and start up a small imaginations campaign. Picking the National Characteristics for each army.

I also finished basing up the Saxons and Bavarians, so there is not reason why I can’t get a game going. 


Sunday 1 September 2024

New month - a little rambling and gaming done.

So been out to the moor for a little walk - rather nice it was too. 

The river up from Two-bridges, walking up to Beardown farm. 
The woods at Beardown. 
Walking up to Longaford Tor. 
All finished out with a cream tea - done properly cream on first at the Two-bridges hotel. 

I have also managed a couple of gaming sessions recently - first up was a trip to Boy Next Door (BND) for a go at Valhalla - which I felt did not go down as well as usual … everyone said they enjoyed it, but the vibe I felt was people though it was ok - probably because I won. 

Then as the good lady was out I had Steedo, BND and Boy Up the Road (BUR) over to play They Come Unseen - Steedo Snake-eyes and myself played this a few years ago and it has not been played since. Any way BND has a copy and is indeed a submariner, so I thought it would be good to revisit it. So I’m not going to run through how it plays again - we split into teams Steedo and BUR were NATO in the subs and BND and myself were the Soviets with the destroyers and logistics. The game started well for the Soviets, damaging Steedo’s sub - only one hit left … but then we couldn’t find it to finish him off.  Then we lost a couple of bases - with the supply ship and a container ship in them - this seriously hampered our efforts, due to a lack of fuel! We managed to damage BUR’s sub, but it was in vain - the dastardly capitalists destroyed the remaining bases (including my destroyer as I was refuelling at the time). 
I have to say this was a really good and intense game for the teams - the sub team loved watching us “nearly” catching their subs in the sonar sweeps … so close comrade. A definite play again, sooner than later - but defo with 4 players in teams. 
We finished off the evening with a go at Raiders of the North Sea (always a good game) - the BUR won in his first game - beating Steedo by a point. 
Cracking evening. 
